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After you finished customising your room, you realized that it was time for dinner.

"Oh shit, here we go." You muttered and stepped out.

What you saw was crazy, nothing.

"Damn, i thought people wanted to meet the new guy." It was just a bunch of doors.


They were still the only names you recognized.

Someother names were

"They sound crazy."

As you stopped looking at the doors, one, down the hall, opened.

She was wearing a big coat, she looked Chinese.

"Who are you?" She asked, with a Chinese accent.

"Um, my name is Y/N! I'm the new guy, which way do i go?"

"Ohh, Winston said we'd have a new guy, anyway, dinner is this way. Follow me."


This place was like a maze, she turned lots of corners until tou reached a larger corridor.

"This is the main area. Training area, Mission Briefing. Everything you need, is here."

"Ok, cool thanks."

"Anyway, the mess hall us right...here." Pointing to another door.

She pushed the doors open and it was huge. Tables, chairs, and a large buffet area in the middle.

"Wow." You muttered.

You followed Mei as she grabbed a plate and so did you. She then trailed round some tables and reached the middle.

"Here we are! We are a little late so there isn't all that much left, but it'll do, right?"

"Yeah, this is great, thank you." You said.

You grabbed a few fries and a burger, and sat on a table, all alone.

"Y/N!" Winston called.

You turned around and saw him beckoning you over, on a table with Tracer, Genji, D.Va and Mei.

You stood up and slowly walked over there, super shy.

"Greetings, Y/N, i am Genji. Nice to meet you, you look strong, can't wait to see you on the battlefield."

"Hey luv, my name's Lena, but you can call me Tracer! You look like you could be a great friend!"

"And I'm Hana, Hana Song, I'm the best gamer here, oh wait, I'm D.Va."

"Hey guys, my name's Y/N, i recently won the super soldier syrum, and i wanted to join here, and not the army."

You heard a couple wows and wickeds, but what tool your attention, was an old, grizzly voice.

"Heh, i had that a long time ago, guess they made it better, looking at you."

"Well Y/N, tommorow i will introduve you to everyone else, and choose your weapons and gear." Winston said.

"Cool thanks."

You finished eating and most people had left at that time, just McCree and a small guy, and a incredibly huge guy, taking shots.

You eventually found your way back to your room and looked at the clock.6pm. You decided to sit down and watch a fim, then you woild go to sleep.

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