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Today was the big day.

You got up early to go and meet the woman at the allocated time.

You got dressed, picked up a suitcase and filled it with your most wanted stuff. You packed some family photos, posters, statues and clothes.

It was finally time, you got up, left, and went back to the recruitment centre.

As you entered you saw a couple soldiers having a chat with that receptionist, they thought she was hot. You chuckled to yourself and tried to make a little noise to get their attention.

"Ah, hello Y/N, i am your captain for taking you to Overwatch, i assume you are ready?"

"Yeah, lets get going!" You said excitedly and he smiled a small, devious, smile, but you didn't notice.

He led you towards the ship, it had a huge Overwatch logo on it with a picture of the team inside. You managed to recognize Winston, the giant ape, Tracer, the fucking cavalry, McCree, your inspiration, and Genji, the cyborg. You smiled at the picture and got strapped in in front of a big table, which looked like people were trampling all over it, the entire room did, basketballs and mess, everywhere.

You like it, it reminded you of yourself.

Then you felt the ship pick it self up of the ground, and fly off. You stared out the window, admiring the view.

It was happening, you were now an Overwatch agent, and you were loving it.

You arrived at the base, an hour later. The view was amazing.

You landed a few minutes later, and you were greeted by Winston, the amazingly smart ape.

"Hi there, you mist be Y/N, I'm so excited to meet you in person. And, you look... strong."

"Hey, I've heard a lot of great things about ya, big fan."

"Thank you, anyway, should we get started? Your room number is 26, dinner at 6 to 7, lunch at 12 to 1. You can customise your room anyway you want."

And with that, he walked off, beckoning you to follow.

He led you to your room and scanned in your handprint to get into it and let you in.

"I'll see you later, Y/N."

He walked off and shut the door, and left you to stare at your room.

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