Let's Play a Game (14)

Start from the beginning

I couldn’t help but make a face. “Skiing?”

“What, can you not ski like you can’t swim?” Zach asked with a growing smirk, and all I did was glare at him. I could ski, I just didn’t feel like being trapped in the car with Zach or Aveline. I was sure that Logan and Todd were going to come along, but it wasn’t like I had a problem with either of them.

“I can swim,” I growled, seriously not in the mood to deal with him. “I just didn’t want to.”

Zach shrugged. “Same thing. Now hurry up so we can go.”

I really had no say in the matter at all. Kate practically dressed me and before I even knew it, we were in the car and driving up the mountains. I was obviously very displeased by this whole thing, but no one even seemed to care about that.

I was right when I had thought that Logan and Todd were going to come along. We all were squished in Logan’s van, which was very, very uncomfortable.

But when we finally got to the mountains, things got a little better, and I was sure I was going to have fun with my friends for the next two days. Even though I had been a total grump at the start of this trip, I was starting to feel a lot better.

Johnny and I spent hours going up and down the mountain, having so much fun that it went by way too fast. I didn’t think I would ever be able to get tired of hanging out with Johnny. He was just too perfect.

“Hey, Johnny!” I heard Zach call out once my boyfriend and I got to the bottom of the mountain. “Get over here and look at what I made in the snow over here!”

“If he made anything below the belt, I give you permission to hit him for me,” I scowled, knowing that it was definitely something that Zach would do, especially with Aveline right next to him like she always tried to be.

Johnny laughed, taking a step toward his friends. “You’re not going to come along and look with me?”

“Nah, I’m good,” I answered back, not even wanting to think about what Zach had made in the snow. God forbid it was anything too bad, since there were children around… “I’d like to keep my eyesight. But you go ahead.”

Johnny laughed before fully turning away and heading toward his best friend. I just knew he made something gross in the snow. It was just like him to make something disgusting or disturbing.

“Hey, have you seen Kate or Logan?” a new voice suddenly asked, and I turned to see Todd slow to a stop next to me. “I haven’t seen either of them since they went up the mountain an hour ago. I’m sure they’d be down by now, but I’m not able to find either of them.

I shook my head, not very surprised that Logan and Kate were both missing together. They were usually always glued to each other’s sides. But something just didn’t seem right, and Todd knew it too. “No, I haven’t seen either of them. Have you checked the cabin?”

“Yeah,” he nodded, and now I started to get worried just a little bit. “Do you think something happened to them?”

I gulped, not wanting to think about it. “I don’t know. Should we go search for them?”

Todd seemed to think for a moment, but I knew he was thinking the same thing I was. “Yeah, we should. They could be in trouble, or hurt.”

Todd and I both nodded at each other before we went our separate ways in search of our friends. I was really worried that something bad had happened, especially to Kate. She was my best friend, and the only person on this planet that I could truly trust. If she was gone, I didn’t know what I would do.

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