Before the Storm

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Author's Note: Sorry for the long wait I'm back to weekly updates now!


Squatting down to be at eye level with the little girl he answered, "Who else would I be?"

He was see-through, and she couldn't make out any colors other than whites and greys, but Lily was finally able to see him and that excited her so Lily giggles happily before trying to hug him only to go right through him, but she doesn't fall flat on her face because another arm grabs her, "Careful there, little flower." It was Dwayne's voice.

Looking at the person who caught her the little girl discovers he's just like David all colorless except for the colors of the wall behind him, he lets go of her arm once he's sure she won't fall.

"We're more visible now but we're not always solid, it takes a lot out of us still." He explained, and she nodded, "Okay I understand," Lily turns to look back at David, "Sorry I fell through you that was rude... probably?"

He just laughs and reaches out to pat her on the head, "It's fine, one day soon you can hug me if you still want to." She smiles up at him as he removes his hand after the quick pat, "Really? Do you promise?"


Suddenly another voice joins in, "You wanna hug me, too right?" It was Paul.

Looking over she sees him walking down the stairs and grins, "Of course!"

He looks happy at that and joins them and then something occurs to the child, "Why were you upstairs?"

"Hmm, oh well I guess I sleep up there." Was his vague reply.

"Really? Where at?" He kneels down to her level, "That's a secret."

"Why?" David rolls his eyes and says, "The bathtub."

Paul glares and grumbles at his leader's words.

Lily blinks confused, "That sounds uncomfortable... why there?"

Dwayne gently tells her that they have to return to the area that they died during the day, Lily frowns at that not wanting to think of something like that happening to them before looking at Paul and asking, "Did you drown in the bathtub?"

David laughs and Paul glowers before he can tell her otherwise Dwayne speaks, "Something like that... don't worry once we come back completely it won't happen again."

"Are you sure?" She asked worriedly.

Dwayne nods, "I am, we're all gonna live together, forever right?"

She smiles in return, "Yes!"

Then something suddenly occurs to her and she looks at a pouting Paul, "Did you take a bubble bath with me then?"

"Huh?" Paul looks confused, "I took one this morning... why didn't you say anything?" She huffs because if he was there they could've played with the bubbles together.

"Oh well, I was asleep and not visible or solid, sorry." She nods and then thinks of something else, "Will I still be able to see you tomorrow during the day since that I can see you now?"

David is the one to answer this time, "Good question... I don't think so though."

"Oh." She looks down sad, "No need to be sad in fact we're almost back for good now."

Hearing David say that she looks back up, "Really?" This news excited the girl and her eyes dart back and forth between them to make sure they're not joking.

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