Bloodbath Party Part 1

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Author's Note: This one is really long so I'm breaking it into two parts for this site.


Lily woke up to the sun shining through her curtains, the storm had passed, and it was a bright sunny summer morning it seemed. Yawning the little girl sits up and stretches before lazily getting out of bed and going into the bathroom.

She looks towards the tub first thing and mutters a good morning to Paul even if he doesn't hear her it seemed like the polite thing to do. Lily washes her face and brushes her teeth before going back into her room and looking through her clothes.

David didn't tell her what was going to happen tonight, but the little girl was suddenly wide awake and nearly bouncing in place at the thought of the surprise, hopefully, her grandma wouldn't ruin it.

Shaking those thoughts away the little brunette settled on nice baby blue top with a cute matching skort instead of a skirt or even a dress because it both looked cute and was easier to play in and hopefully they were going to play, she briefly entertained the idea of going to ride the rides on the boardwalk but quickly pushed that aside seeing as her friends' couldn't do that at least right now.

Maybe they'd all go together someday though she thought before brushing her hair and pulling it into a lopsided ponytail and heading downstairs.

At the end of the stairs, she stops and stares at the floor in confusion, "...A rug?" There was a rug that hadn't been there yesterday. It was covering the bloodstain from her grandmother's fall. Had her grandma Star put it there she wondered.

Staring at it brought back feelings that she didn't want to linger on, so the girl just looked away and continued on her way to the kitchen only to notice another weird thing and stop just before she entered the kitchen.

"Where's the phone?"

The place where the phone had been was empty well save for the obvious signs of it having been there, mainly the worn wallpaper and phone jacks, Lily had just made a call the day before, but the phone was now gone.

Why? Her eyes wandered from the empty wall to the surrounding area but found no sign of the missing phone. She didn't think her grandmother would do this... the rug maybe but moving the phone?

Eventually she decides to just ask her grandma when she brings her breakfast, hopefully sis wouldn't get blamed for the missing phone since the girl knew she'd been the last one to use it and well it'd be like with her cell phone all over again and well Lily didn't want to think about that or the stairs...

Determined to not ruin her good mood the little girl hums a happy tune and prepares breakfast, though not pancakes because she knows that she needs more practice before doing it alone. It was too bad that Dwayne wasn't awake to help make breakfast she thinks while pouring some juice to go with the toast.

After eating her portion, she carefully takes her grandma's breakfast into her room only to find it empty. "Grandma?" Lily wanders into the room and sits down the plate of toast and the glass of orange juice on the bedside table. The empty bedside table, the lamp was missing but there was a folded piece of paper with her name on it.

Picking up the paper she opens and reads it aloud, "Lily I went over to my friend's house, the ones you called last night, remember? I should be back by nightfall so be a good girl and look after yourself until then. Love grandma..."

Lily flips the note over in disbelief to see if there's anything else written but there's not.

The girl feels slightly uneasy before feeling mad and huffs, "She could've woken me up to tell me before she left..." Lily crumbles the note and puts it on the plate angrily thinking that this is the second time she'd made breakfast for her grandmother and the second time it doesn't get eaten.

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