Grandma Star

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*EDIT 12/20/18* This story is edited and beta'd by exaigon on both Fanfiction.Net and on a03 but I'm too lazy to update each and every chapter for this story on here so if you want to read the superior less flawed version go there if not enjoy the original unedited version I wrote. I may update this story with the newer version at some point if I do I'll remove this note.


"Are we there yet?"

A bouncing little brunette girl asks with excitement in her voice from the back seat of her dad's car.

"The answer hasn't changed since the last time you asked me five minutes ago sweetie." Her dad answers.

"I know you're excited about spending the summer with your grandmother but remember patience is-"

"An important skill to develop, I know but I'm eight patience is practically a non-requirement and can wait a few more years." She basically quotes as her father sighs, "That's your mother talking."

The girl shakes her head, "No dad mom's not here I was talking!" She says smartly.

"You know what I mea-" Not letting him continue she once again asks, "Are we there yet?"

"Lillian!" He practically shouts in frustration.

"It's Lily!" She stops bouncing and shouts back after all shouting is all she's heard lately so she may as well do it too.

He glares into the rearview mirror, "Don't yell at me young lady I can always turn this car right back around and leave you with your uncle Sam this summer instead."

Dark eyes grow wide at the threat as she quickly shakes her head, "No! I'm sorry!", looking down she mumbles "but it is..."

Apologizing wasn't something the little girl liked but it was so much better than going to Uncle Sam's house he collected nasty dead bugs and hung them around his house... he was weird!

A few minutes later the little girl known as Lily is still pouting and playing her handheld when her dad speaks, "Look Lilypad it's the Santa Carla sign."

"So... we're here now?" She asks, and he sighs, "Almost," At that she unbuckles her seatbelt and moves to her knees to get a closer look out of the window as her dad hollers at her to put it back on, "Ohh lookit," she points, "someone wrote on the sign, they're not supposed to do that are they?" She tilts her head curiously while looking out the back window as they pass it.

"No, they're not just like you are not supposed to unbuckle while the car is moving! Now get your seatbelt back on this instant!" His tone was irritated and knowing better than to keep pushing him she listened.

"Oh okay." She exaggeratedly flops back down and does as she's told while mumbling to herself, "I'll just have to take it off again in a second so why bother?" Her father pretends not to hear her while glancing at the rear-view mirror to make sure she's actually doing as he said.

Once she's back in the uncomfortable seatbelt she grabs her recently discarded handheld from beside her, "Wouldn't you rather look outside than play that thing?" Frowning without letting her eyes leave the screen she answers, "Not if I can't get a good look there's no point." He sighs again, "Never should've bought you that thing."

Ignoring him she pets the puppy on the screen with her finger, it's the closest she can get to actually petting them most days since her daddy was allergic though truthfully, she just thought it was an excuse he told her so that she couldn't have one, what he was really allergic to was fun she thought to herself.

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