The Wind?

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Disclaimer: I don't own The Lost Boys.

Author's Note: Guess what's on Netflix as of now? Yup, you guessed it Twilight! Just kidding! The Lost Boys are currently on there so if you're not like me who owns three copies of the movie you can watch it again on there! Why do I own three copies you ask? Why not? Really though it just happened, had the DVD wanted the Blu-ray so I ended up with both then one was a birthday gift so yeah three copies like I said it happens!


Chapter 2: The Wind?

That night was frustrating for little Lily Emerson as her grandmother refused to let her out of her sight and even made her sleep in her grandma's bed like some little baby which she wasn't! The younger girl just knew she did it because she didn't trust her not to break or mess up anything else.

She had hoped things would be different away from her dad but sadly she was still getting yelled at and blamed for things.

It's not like she could even reach the dumb cross even if she had wanted to, finally though after a restless first night it ended and as soon as her grandmother woke up got made them some eggs and toast silently before she got on the phone which was the cue for the brunette to flee outside for some measure of freedom, she did not want to be told to stay in her room all day! No way!

It was summer, so the weather was nice and warm making it the perfect time to wear her nice summer dresses still she made sure to put a pair of shorts on underneath so that she could play.

However, playing turned out to be harder than she'd imagine as there wasn't much to do on the property the old shed was the first thing she took notice of, but it was locked. The lock had rusted so try as she might pulling on it did nothing to budge the doors and peeking in through the dusty windows didn't show much either so the girl quickly gave up on the decrypted old shed and left to find adventure else were.

Nature had never really interested her much as she lived in the city, but the trees and flowers were nice enough to look at for a little while, she even picked a few of the flowers she liked the most.

"You like nice," she spoke to the white flower before plucking it and adding it to the two yellow and one pink one she'd already collected.

Still holding onto her freshly picked flowers, she kept on searching around but eventually grew bored and left the immediate area surrounding the house all the while figuring her grandmother wouldn't notice since a car had pulled up a little while ago and two old men went into the house.

Grandma Star being busy with company meant she probably wouldn't get scolded if she ventured too far so she tried not to think of her grandma telling those other old people about how she messed up and broke the cross.

Either they were called here to talk about the cross or to try and fix it but either way she just knew the older woman was telling the guy that she was the one who broke it and it made her mad but there was nothing she could do about it.

Trying not to think about it anymore she picks up a long stick and starts to drag it on the ground drawing a line just because she can but still clucking onto her flowers with her other hand.

Looking up she sees something in the distance a spot different than the rest of the surrounding area, it looked dead.

A dead area she decided.

Nothing was growing, and the girl turned back to see the house then but could barely make out the back of the place in the distance, she decides then to investigate it.

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