Ch. 4 A Day With Aunt Kirstie

Start from the beginning

Sofia: So where are we going?
Kirstin: We are going to the mall and we are gonna have some girl time.
Sofia: Yay!

Kirstin POV
Sofia is so cute and adorable. I couldn't wait to spend time with her.
A few minutes later we made it to the mall.

Kirstin: Be sure you hold my hand and stay close to me.
Sofia: Okay.

Sofia POV
So we went to a lot of stores in the mall. Aunt Kirstie took me to stores like GAP and Macy's. It was so much fun. Now that Aunt Kirstie and I are away from the house, I can ask her if she likes daddy. We are now at the food court eating a snack.

Sofia: Aunt Kirstie, can I ask you something?
Kirstin: Sure, sweetie.
Sofia: Do you like my daddy?

Kirstin POV

Kirstin: I don't know what you are talking about.
Sofia: Come on. I saw you guys this morning. You were so nervous and you couldn't think of anything to say besides hi.

Wow, she's smart.

Kirstin: Okay, promise me you won't tell anyone, not even Kevin.
Sofia: I promise.
Kirstin: I do like Kevin a lot, but I'm scared to tell him. I don't know if he likes me.
Sofia: Of course, he does. I saw the way he looks at you. I promise that I won't tell anyone.
Kirstin: That's a good girl. Come here.

She gives me a hug.

Kirstin: Come on let's shop some more.

Sofia POV
So Aunt Kirstie and I went shopping some more. Then, it was time for her to take me home.
We made it home. Daddy and Uncle Avi were sitting down watching TV

Sofia: Daddy! Uncle Avi!
Kevin: Hey, sweetie. How was the mall?
Sofia: It was so much fun. Look at what I got.

I showed them a few of my stuff.

Avi: Wow. Pretty stuff for a pretty girl.
Sofia: Thank you Uncle Avi.
Kevin: Why don't you head upstairs and put your stuff up and come back down for dinner?
Sofia: Okay. Thanks for today Aunt Kirstie.

I give Aunt Kirstie a hug.

Kirstin: Anytime, sweetie. See you boys later.

Aunt Kirstie left and I went up to my room. I came back downstairs to eat dinner with Uncle Avi and daddy. Once we finished eating I got a bit sleepy.

Avi: You tired little dragon?
Sofia: I am.

I said in a yawning voice.

Kevin: I'll tuck you in. Come on.

Kevin POV
So I picked Sofia and she was already sleep on my shoulder. I placed her gently on her bed and tucked her in. I kissed her on her forehead.

Kevin: Good night, little one.

I whispered to her. Then, I went back downstairs with Avi.

Avi: Kevin I have two questions for you. One, when are you gonna tell Kirstie how you feel?
Kevin: I don't know man.
Avi: You have been keeping this hidden for too long.
Kevin: I know. The right time will come.
Avi: Okay second question, when are you gonna ask Sofia about her past?
Kevin: I don't know. That's gonna be a tough one, but I have a feeling that it's gonna be soon.
Avi: Okay.

Sofia POV
I wake up and I'm in my room and I went to the bathroom to change into my PJ'S. Soon as I was heading back to my room I here Uncle Avi and daddy talking.

Kevin: I know that I just adopted her. I want to give her some more time to get used to us. She's an amazing girl. Am I still curious about what Mrs. Johnson meant said that Sofia had a rough time? Yes. Do I want to ask her right away? No.
Avi: I understand. The time will come soon.

I went back to my room and I did some thinking. That's the one thing they don't know is my past. I am scared to tell them. But they have to right to know. I know that daddy adopted me a few days ago, but I know I can't keep this hidden forever because I don't want him to worry. I just tell him about my parents. I should tell him tomorrow. For now I need some sleep. Aunt Kirstie wore me out today.

Hey Pentaholics!!! I hope you guys are enjoying this story. I'm having fun writing it. Also, if you are new please check out my last story "A PTX Opportunity". That one features Matt Sallee in it. It's really good.

Love you guys and stay awesome.

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