The Begging

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"Pretty please, YN? I wanna come with you!" Juuzou bounced around the house. He had finally convinced you to go to a sympathetic doctor at least a single time during the pregnancy. His new mentor, Yukinori, had talked to him about the importance of healthcare. Yukinori had kids himself and so Juuzou really looked up to him for advice, especially in this realm.

"No, Juuzou! I can do it by myself." You grouched at him, protecting your protruding belly from his flinging appendages. Juuzou didn't even sleep in the same bed as you anymore. He came home late every night and insisted that coming into bed would 'wake the baby' and so he just slept on the couch. But that wasn't the real reason and you knew it.  Something else was going on. Juuzou didn't love you anymore. At least, that was how it felt. No more hugs and kisses. Definitely nothing sexual. And whenever you pushed, he shut down and left the apartment.

"But it's not fair for you to get to see the baby and not me." He pouted, jumping on the couch. "You have to let me come! In the name of fairness!"

That was a not funny type of funny. There was a lot of unfairness in your life. The love of your life lost his genitals to your mother (not that you knew this). You were having a baby with no friends or family besides him. Juuzou wouldn't even have an honest conversation with you about how he was feeling or what had happened to him. 

"It's going to be embarrassing!" You groaned, rubbing your temples. "They're going to be all up in there and everything..."

"On the contrary! It'll be so exciting! Please!!!" Juuzou begged as he uncharacteristically came over and kissed the baby inside of your belly. Your heart melted. Even though it often felt as if Juuzou was repulsed by you nowadays; you knew he loved this baby with all of his heart.

And so did you. Each day that went by, you were more and more excited to meet the little quarter demon inside of you. The pregnancy itself wasn't a difficult one. Not a lot of morning sickness, not too many aches and pains. In all honesty, the father of your baby was the biggest thorn in your side at this point.

And yet, you couldn't help but let him come. You always had a weakness for begging from men who were sweet on you.

So when you arrived at obstetrician's office, you made sure that he held your shaking hand. He stroked your hair as the battery of tests were performed.

First was a check on your blood pressure. Next, they measured your weight gain, although they didn't have a base measurement. Juuzou assured them that you had gained weight and you smacked his chest. Next, they took a numerical measurement of your abdomen to check your developing baby's growth— a "fundal height" they called it, making Juuzou and your head swim a bit. Then, quickly they checked your hands and feet for swelling. 

Lastly, came the fun part. Checking the fetal heart rate, which would make your heart swell ten times its normal size. And then came the ultrasound.

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