The Escalation

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"Isn't she such a pretty little sister, YN?" Big Madame asked you as you sat quietly in the parlor room.

Juuzou sat in front of your mother, wearing a long wig, a white dress and a bow in his hair. He was getting his hair brushed.

"Yes, Mama." You nodded. It had taken you a year and a lot of good girl points to get to even be in the same room as Juuzou and you weren't willing to jeopardize it.

"Do his make-up for me while I go get us dinner, darling." With great difficulty, Big Madame stood up and began walking out of the room. This surprised you. What was going to stop you from eating the delicious human in front of you once again?

Instantly, you flew in front of Juuzou.

"Don't look at me." Juuzou scowled.

"Why?" You asked, head tilted sideways.

"It's embarrassing. I'm not a girl." His face was pouted and he drew his knees up to his face.

"Are you sure? I thought your parts were still up for debate." You cackled at him teasingly as you poked his legs.

Juuzou's eyes shifted over to look at you, judging your mood but not saying anything.

"You are very pretty though, Juuzou. And very handsome at the same time. I have to put some make-up on you though, or Mama will not be happy." You picked up a tube of mascara.

"Truth or dare?" Juuzou looked at you from behind his knees.

"Truth." You looked back at his big eyes.

"Would you rather me be a boy or a girl?" He inquired.

"A boy."


"I think you're happier as a boy." You shrugged, unscrewing the mascara and crawling forward to begin to apply it to Juuzou's already long lashes. Begrudgingly, he allowed you to do it. "Truth or dare?"


"Would you rather be a boy or a girl?"

"I'm not sure. If I was a girl, then Mama would leave me alone I think. But as a boy I think I get more attention from you." He admitted. "Truth or dare?"

"Truth." You worked on his other eye now, and then searched for the eyelash curler.

"Was I the tastiest human you've ever eaten?" He giggled at himself.

"By far!" You smiled at him as you curled his lashes upward. "I still think about it. Are you feeling okay? I saw you had to have stitches. Truth or dare?"

"I'm fine. Truth."

"How did it feel to get eaten?" You asked, honestly curious.

"Partly mortifying, partly... it made my entire lower body throb for you..." He whispered.

"What?" You whispered back, dropped the curlers by accident.

"Truth or dare?" He blinked his long lashes up at you as you fumbled to grab some lip gloss for him.

"Dare..." You switched it up.

"Touch it..." He pulled his dress up, showing his now throbbing parts to you. "Unless you... Unless I've... won..."

You listened carefully for a minute for your mothers foot steps. Hearing nothing, you moved your body close to Juuzou's and your hand drifted dangerously close to his body.

"Truth or dare, JuJu?" You whispered in his ear, fingertips grazing his warm body parts.

"Dare." He felt emboldened by your acceptance.

"Kiss me." The words barely fell out of your mouth before his lips were on yours.

Your hand held his member and rubbed it up and down as his lips worked against your desperate ones. Neither of you sure what you were doing, but both of you very pleased with it. The only thing that pulled you apart was the sound of footsteps approaching.

Quickly, Juuzou pulled himself off of you and you grabbed the lip gloss from the floor. Trying to rid yourselves of your red faces, both  you and Juuzou acted as if nothing had happened.

But something definitely had. And neither of you would forget it.

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