A great way to end a date

Start from the beginning

"And i thought i told you I don't have friends. I have family. And since you know so much about me you should know i never let anyone who messes with my family live." My words were laced with venom.

As I tried to keep it in, knowing fully well that if i pull the trigger now everyone is in danger, especially that i came to this room alone as the rest were each doing their specific job, ie. the twins making sure that all bombs that have been planted were off, kai, Liam and Cale taking on the other bodyguards if you want to call them that and Xavier only some minutes ago started with the escape route.

"Ahh. Si, i have heard about it. My, my, i love how feisty you are seniorita."

"But what's going to happen is, you and the rest of your hooligans will die... do you think I'm stupid enough to believe that you came alone?" He rhetorically asked as he turned on a tv that was sitting behind me, but I didn't dare to turn around.

Yet i had the urge to pull the trigger as soon as i heard kai scream, she was surely outnumbered and someone must have hurt her.

"You sure have great resistance to not turn around even when you're family is screaming" he spat out the word family as if it was poison in his mouth.

"You sure know how to get a girl riled up...." I stopped as i took two steps forward lowering my gun to my side but that made his bodyguards even more attentive as they all took a step closer too

"But when it's me who's getting riled up, you better consider yourself playing with the devil." I said and with quick moves i was behind him, his arm twisted in my hand as he kneeled over with my gun pointed straight at his head the pistol in touch with the little hair he had.

"Release them, or you'll watch his brain exploding." I said my tone serious my eyes shooting knives that the men standing doing nothing but pointing their guns at me.

"I said." with those two words spat out i pushed my gun further to the assholes flesh making him hiss, "release them." i finished tightening my hold on him, a bit more force and his wrist would break, a lot more force and so will his shoulder, and he knew that as he quickly nodded at two of his men to release my idiots and princess

"release them." he grit out his jaw locking in place, and a minute later they were let go, rubbing their wrists while the little scared princess ran over to me and hugged my legs as she sobbed, distracting e for a second, but that's all it took for guns to start blazing.

and the next thing i knew was that I had a bullet logged in my shoulder unreleased tears blurring my vision as my brother tackled the bastared who shot me while Luca swiftly took the gun that had fell from my hand off the ground, swiftly shooting at two others, mika tackling another one, while i grit my teeth before taking out my stars and throwing them at the last two, nailing them in the hearts. soon after realizing that their leader had ran out long ago.

"I'm going to help Kai." Luca said running out the gun in his hand, the two extra magazines that I had stuffed in his pockets

"We need to go." I grit as i held onto my shoulder, but before we could run out I saw that even with luca helping Kai they were still out nubered, and it looked like Kai had taked quite the beating already.

"Mica, take Anna, and help Scar, get out of here. I'm going to help them." Zan ordered making me shake my head.

"No, i'm helping too, Mika, get princess out off here. Here," i had another chip and microphone in my hand, extending it so he could take them, "You will be able to hear and talk to us, Xav is getting the escape root, but you should make your way up to the roof. And this," i gave him my other gun and it's two extra magazines "Kill anyone who gets in your way." i had covered annas ears before telling him the last sentence.

dropping my gaze from him to a hiccuping Anna i felt my heart ache for the little girl, "Hey sweetheart, do me a favor?" i said looking into her eyes as i dropped to my knees, "stay with mika okay? we will all meet you in a minute. We just need to finish what they started okay? I love you princess." i said kissing her forehead feeling a bit revealed that she had nodded yes to every question i asked, all they got to now is get out of this hell hole.

"you two be careful, we will be waiting for you to drag everyone up here by their ears okay baby monkey?" the nickname made me smile as i shook my head

"I don't have that many hands daddy monkey, but i'll make sure everyone is up on that rooftop." I said giving his cheek a quick kiss before rushing out Zan right next to me

"you should have went with them!" he grunted as we ran down

"and let you have all the fun?" i joked trying to hide the pain my shoulder was causing

"you are injured you mule head!" he shouted as he shot two of the shitheads coming our way

"It's nothing." I grunted taking my poison laced Katana in both hands ignoring the pain as i sliced through assholes that kept coming our way as we got to lower levels of the building as we came to the level Liam and Cale were on it seamed that they didn't need help as much as others making us keep on going lower where kai and luca were.

and once we got there i heard Xaviers swearing, and so I encouraged Zan to help the two before I ran one more level down to find Xav surrounded by over fifteen men, twelve already on the floor dead.

"I told you. I told you you will regret not giving me the drugs!" His voice reached my ears making me stop in my tracks, keeping myself hidden from view, I didn't even think of asking him about what or who the hell all this was about before we rushed here

"And I told YOU, I don't deal with child traffickers." Xav growled as he held his gun up to the mans head

"Just you wait, Mister Garcia, I will make you watch as they empty your sister out of her organs before i sell them off." His words made the already existing anger in me boil even harsher my hands tightening around the grip ready to rip through the asshole.

"Funny how you think I'll let you lay a fucking finger on my sister, Mister Luciano." the venom dripped from Xaviers words, a certain edge to his voice told me he was seconds from shooting Luciano's brains out

"Just like you let my men shoot your little whore?" the smugness in his voice was the last straw, as i stepped out from my spot, rushing to the unsuspecting men and slitting through three of them before anyone had the time to know what happened

and soon enough Xav and I where back to back as we fought the rest, until the only ones left where him, asshole and I.

"you really think if you kill me you'll get out of here alive? Well think again, because this place is ready to be blown up." his words made me think of the twins, we haven't heard from them in a while, and it was starting to get me worried

"Kai, Luca and Zan, are up with us." I heard Micas voice at that moment making me let out a breath of relief

"Uh Guys, we need to get out of here, ASAP!" Jacks voice rushed to my ears, his worried tone making me tense up all over

"what the fuck is going on?" i whispered harshly as the other two were fighting, Xavs gun empty as he was spiting swears at the asshole, moving his hand that's holding a gun away from him as they fought

"We couldn't detonate one of the bombs, it's about to blow this place up in five minutes, and when i say blow up, i mean fucking trigger all nineteen other bombs to blow as well!" Jake said with a slight pant, and it was obvious that they were making their way to the rooftop

But my next words were stopped by the laud gun shot that echoed through the whole damned place, but i couldn't figure out who was shot until Xavier pulled back, gun still in Lucianos hand, and a hole through Xaviers shirt made it clear though.


I am absolutely sorry for not updating all this time, but this year has been really wonderful - note the sarcasm- and online uni isn't stressful at all- again sarcasm- and if those weren't enough, i had the biggest writers block ever.

Anyway, enjoy.

Love you to the moon and back, and please remember, if you guys ever need anyone to talk to you can always message me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2020 ⏰

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