Changing life

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Scarlet Ruby Red Has the perfect life, perfect parents- her mom being an FBI agent & her father being the SWAT team captain- who love her very much, the perfect best friend- who's the good,nerd girl at her school- and the perfect boyfriend- who's the football captain- and both love her very much...

Or so she thought

One Wednesday after noon was all it took to ruin her perfect life. After one of her many ballet practices, she finds her best friend and boyfriend very naked in his bed. Running home she finds out that her parents died in a car crash.

After moving away to live with her aunt-in the middle of the school year- she meets-more like bumps into-Xavier Enrique Black, the big bad wolf, the most famous and feared -soon to be- mafia leader- of The Kings- known in New York at just the age of 18...

And well lets just say that the mafia always gets what he wants.

And he wants her!

"Anything that is today may not be tomorrow"
" that was great scar. Now all we need is for the three of you to do that on stage" said Rita our ballet teacher

Rita is a lovely lady and the greatest ballet teacher you could find at the age of 45, she's been my teacher since i was 6 and that is 11 years ago.

"Thanks mom" all three if us said giving her a smile

Well if you haven't figured yet, we all call her mom

I went into the change room, since everyone except for Luka, Mika and me, we were doing a last touch for our routine that will be showcased on Saturday.

When i was done of my shower i wore some black tight jeans with cuts on the knees and rolled up at the ankles , a white V-neck and a white cardigan, a burgundy infinite scarf and my burgundy converse

I got my burgundy bag and made sure everything was in there

•My small makeup kit ❌
•my purse ❌
•my home keys❌
•my Matte black iPhone 7❌
•my small notebook❌

Good everything's there

I took out my phone and started heading out

"See you on Friday Mom" i said and walked out

I dialed Andrews number on my way to his house,which is only a five minute walk away, but he didn't answer

I shrugged
He probably didn't hear it I thought

When i reached his place, i took the keys from under the door mat and came in without bothering to knock, since i never do

When I enter, I hear a lot of banging noises with moaning and groaning sounds

What the hell is going on
I thought to myself

I went up to Andys' room to see what is happening, but i wish I didn't, because as soon as I opened the door my heart broke into a million pieces

There on the bed lay a very naked Chelsea with a very naked Andrew above her, and the saddest thing is, they didn't even hear my gasp or the whimper that left my lips, taking a step back, i did a one eighty digree turn and ran out of the god forsaken place all the way home

My home is just a 10 minute walk from the devils layer, thus a 5 minute run

As i see my humble home i also see a police car parked out front, that alone made me forget all about what just happened minutes ago, i ran even more speedily eager to see whats wrong

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