We are the Lions

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"Shit! You're shot" I hissed at Xavier who had blood oozing out the side of his torso after the gun fight we just had

"Don't worry, we just beed to get away from here" he said tucking his guns back in place

I did the same and came closer to him

"You're coming with me" i said helping him walk away

"No way, I'm riding away" he said shaking his head

"Listen you doofus, you're shot, blood is oozing out and you will pass out if we don't move fast, so don't argue with me and get in my car" i said walking faster when I realized that his shirt was dripping the blood now

"This isn't my first time being shot princess, don't worry i wont die" he said coughing at the end

"I don't give a flying fuck, you're comedy with me" i said and took my phone out of my waist band quickly dialing Kai's number

"Hey" her voice flowed out of the speakers

"You're home right?" I asked not bothering to great her back

"Yup, you coming over?" She asked and i heard shuffling in the back ground

"Yup, i hope you don't have any visitors and if you do shoo them away, we'll be there soon" i said and ended the call as we reached my car

"Don't worry I'll call Luka and Mica to come get it" i said gesturing to his bike

I got in and turned my car on and drove out of there so fast I'm sure I got over four speeding tickets but Xavi's life was on the line

When I reached Kai's flat i felt so revealed that she lives alone and at a scheduled part of NY

I rang the doorbell a couple of times

"Stay up Xavi, we're here" i said and just then the door opened

"Shit, again!?" Kai said almost slapping Xavier

"Slap him some other time, right now i need to get that bullet out and sew him close" i said practically pushing her out of the way

I laid him on the sofa and walked over to the kitchen Kai behind me

"Look, i need to to heat a knife, tweezers and a needle " i said already pouring hot water into a jug and reaching for a clean towel

"Oh and i need some alcohol, Vodka " i said as I walked out

When I reached Xavier i placed the jug and towel down and tore his shirt so that i could see his wound

"If you wanted to see me naked you should of just asked princess" he said jokingly but I could here the pain in his voice

"Shut up" i said and started dabbing the wet towel on his wound and whipping the blood away

"Kai the knife, alcohol and another towel " i shouted and she came immediately with the red hot knife and alcohol

"Shit princess, you wanna stab me?"

"You better shut up or I'm gonna cut your throat" i said  

Instead of using the towel i just poured the vodka over his wound to which he hissed and held tight into the mattress of the sofa

"I'm sorry but i have to do this" i said and then pressed the knife to his skin cutting it just enough to be able to take out the bullet and make sure that no organ is hit

"Kai i need the tweezers" i said whipping the blood away and pouring more vodka over the wound

"You're killing me here princess " he hissed tightening his hold on the mattress and grinding his teeth together

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