Because we're fancy like that

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I glared at him not moving from my place as i held the little fragile angel between my hands

"Xavier! Why standing on the door? Come in" Claire said enthusiastically smiling at him while I turned to glare at her,she didn't even acknowledge me!

"I actually need to speak to Scarlet for a minute" he said rubbing the back of his neck still by the door

"Oh, I'll take Ruby" said Trevor as he got up leaving Anna and Claire on the bed

My glare turned to Trevor now and he noticed taking a step back before gulping and walking back towards me my glare intensifying as he took Ruby from my hand

I stood up and stomped outside

"What do you want?" I raised an eyebrow struggling to keep my straight face when i saw his hurt eyes that he didn't bother covering up

"Just listen to me" he said pleadingly

"Xavier, I don't know about you but to me cuddling with someone who isn't your girlfriend or whatever is cheating, and no girl no matter what deserves to be cheated on! I know o asked but you could have told me something! Anything! I would have understood." I said in one breath almost whispering my last sentence

He tried to step towards me but i took a step back making his frown increase

"I know, i do! I have a sister and I wouldn't want anyone to cheat on her! I swear I don't have a girlfriend Scar! Hear me out, ok?" He said pleading with me making me ball my fists and nod

"You have five minutes" i said

"Okay.. Yesterday while you were in there i went and got Anna, on the way here she was playing with my phone and that little girls is a genius with electronics, and she loves Liam, whenever she gets her hands on my phone she changes his name to a heart emoji! If you don't believe me ask her" he said pointing at the door

I kept my face natural and walked into the room " angel, can you come with me for a second" I asked her with a smile

" yes" she said and followed me outside

If anything Xavier's expression only got sadder more disappointed, but if I've learned something from my asshole of an ex is not to trust men

I kneeled infront of Anna "listen angel, did you change Liam's contact name on your brother's phone to a heart emoji?" Her eyes widened and she guilty smiled at Xavier

"Sorry " she said casting him an apologetic smile that made my hard exterior break

"It's okay princess, go back in" he said smiling warmly at her

"I'm sorry, i guess you could blame my ex for me not trusting the male gender" I looked at him guiltily as i bit my lip

"It's okay, but you need to make it up to me" he said as his smirk reappeared

I just raised an eyebrow and nodded my head as if telling him to start talking

"There's this ball tonight, and i need a date." He said shrugging at the end

"So... your asking me to be your date" i said blinking a couple of times

"Nope, you have to be my date" he said smiling goofily making me chuckle

"Okay whatever... how fancy should i get dressed?" I asked knowing that since it's ballroom it's fancy

"Well considering that the woman are snotty and spoiled, and will criticize everything, hella fancy" he said after thinking for a bit

I was about to say something when his phone rang, he took it out of his back pocket and his eyes widened as if he had forgot something important and this call just reminded him of it

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