The girl who cried wolf

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One week later...

I woke up at 10 am.
Calum was still sleeping.
I started to get ready for the day and made some breakfast.
The screen of my phone lit up.


Upper bitch:
Omg Lilly I can't wait to see you...

Yeah me too, I missed you guys so much

Eldest bitch
So how is your love life...

I have a boyfriend 😊

Upper bitch
Oh... uh nice... I'm happy for you
She is definitely lying

Is everything alright your text makes me feel a little bit concerned

Eldest bitch
There is nothing to be concerned about.
Oh Lilly we can't text any more our batteries are low
Hope you will like your surprise

A deep sigh left my lips.
I heard someone walk in to the kitchen.
His arms went around my waist and he rested his chin on my shoulder.

"Are you okay babe? Because that was a really deep sigh." Calum asked.
"Yeah... it's just that my "friends" are coming to la and I have this feeling that they are up to something..." I said making quotation marks with my fingers when I say friends .

"Why the quotation marks?" He asked.

"Because... I'm sorry boo I'm not ready to tell you jet... it's really hard and I don't want to think about it right now." I said putting one of my hands on his cheek.

"It will be okay, I promise." He said kissing my lips.

"Are going to hang out with them are you just going to drop them off at the hotel?"

"They wanted to go to Starbucks so I will take them there."

He nodded.
"The boys are coming over today to talk about the upcoming album, but I want you to know one thing. whenever you're feeling upset or when something goes wrong today or just on a daily basis..., you can come in and talk about it, doesn't matter what time it is, doesn't matter if I'm home or at the studio,
You will always be on the first place." He said giving me his spare-key and the address of the studio.
I nodded giving him a hug.

I looked at the clock on the wall.

"Cal I need to go now I'll be back around 5pm I think."
He nodded kissing me and giving me his car keys.

I started Calum's car and left the parking lot.

After driving for about 30 minutes, I started to sing quietly.

The first words that come out
And I can see this song will be about you
I can't believe that I can breathe without you
But all I need to do is carry on

The next line I write down
And there's a tear that falls between the pages
I know that pain's supposed to heal in stages
But it depends which one I'm standing on

I write lines down, then rip them up
Describing love can't be this tough

I could set this song on fire, send it up in smoke
I could throw it in the river and watch it sink in slowly
Tie the pages to a plane and send it to the moon
Play it for the world, but it won't mean much
Unless I sing this song to you

I'm dying to show you
This could end happily ever after
There doesn't ever have to be disaster
And all you have to do is sing along

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