The perfect day...

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Marinette, Adrien, Alya, and Nino walked into the school, and even thought they weren't looking at the people staring, they could feel it. They walked into Ms. Bustier's class, and took their usual seats. Ms. Bustier complimented Marinette on her appearance, and even Chloe looked a little jealous. Marinette stares down at her desk, but she could feel the eyes watching her, and she began to blush. Adrien, Alya, and Nino were talking, but Adrien wasn't listening.. He couldn't take his eyes off Marinette. Alya looked over to her best friend, and saw a faint bit of pink on her cheeks. "Oooooooh Marinette are you blushing?! Is it 'cause Adrien's staring at you!" Alya said, loud enough for only Marinette to hear. Marinette slowly lifter her head up, to realize the Adrien was staring at her! She looks at him, and for a moment, their eyes locked. If was as if the blue and green were going to mix together. Adrien quickly tilted his head away, blushing. Nino and Alya of course, saw everything. They chose not to say anything, and kept their mouths shut, although they couldn't stop from grinning. The rest of the day went on as usual.. Until it ended. The friend group had earlier made plans to go to the pont des arts, the 3rd most romantic spot in Paris.

Marinette's POV

We walked to the pont des arts as I suddenly remembered I was wearing heels. I started walking more carefully, but I tripped and landed on, you guessed it, Adrien. We both toppled over and i fell right on top of him. I stood up, but my feet felt uneven. I lowered my head, and realized that I broke the heel. I almost broke down into my usual panic attack, until I heard Adrien say "Do you wanna wear my shoes?". I nodded my head as he handed the shoes to me. I put them on, and sat there not wanting to get up. My foot hurt really bad, but I didn't want my friends to see me cry. I sat there for a little, trying to hold back my tears. Alya sat in front of me, and asked if I felt alright. I just said that my foot hurt a little, but she could see the pain in my eyes. Alya told Adrien to carry me to the hospital. Since any pressure on my foot wouldn't be good. I know why she was doing this though. Even in these types of moments, Alya still tried to get us together. That's why she's my best friend! We walked to the hospital, well they walked, and we sat in the waiting room.. Alya called my parents, and told them that I had tripped and broke the heel on my shoe. My parents said they were on their way, and that they would
be here in 5. I was about to cry in pain, when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked over to see Adrien, looking at me with a caring look.

Adrien's POV

The nurse walked in the waiting room and said "Marinette Dupain-Cheng?". I stood up and carried Marinette into the room. The nurse asked some basic health questions, and then went out to get the doctor. Marinette looked over her shoulder and said "You know, you don't have to stay, my parents will be here soon". I looked in her eyes and said "I want to stay". We sat there for a minute of two until the door creaked open. "How's my little angel?" And voice said and after the door opened more I realized that it was Marinette's parents. "Fine" Marinette said, after she looked up at them. They saw me and her dad thanked me for helping their daughter. "It was no problem" I replied as I walked out of the room. Nino and Alya looked at me as I walked out, and when I sat down, they both in unison said "Is she alright?" I nodded and started talking to them.
*1 hour later*
Marinette walked out of the room, on crutches, and told us she broke her ankle. Nobody was surprised since she's always so clumsy.. I reached into my school bag, grabbed a sharpie, and signed my name on her cast.

Miraculous romance<3    [completed]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ