Chapter 45

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We are humans and there's no worse dangerous species than us. And, when pride consumes like a forest fire, your soul is darkened and you no longer want to differentiate between right and wrong, that's when a Manik Malhotra is born. I am no hero; neither a villain. I'm just an awful assemblage of a thousand assholes; diamonds and dusts.

In life, there's always going to be that someone who will be better than you. You ignore something when you notice anything better and when you reach the better, the better finds the best. There's no end to chase things in life. There's always going to be someone who will be better at being you than you are. There will be times even though you belief yourself to be invincible, there still is going to be that someone who will treat her better than you do. And, there will forever be this insecurity that out there is someone better to take care of her better than you can.

I shook the rum and cola in my glass digging one hand in one of my pockets while she kept looking my way from the distance standing by his side. She, I could tell was too terrified to approach me whilst I stood by the sealed window admiring the view outside.

"Sir, this is your third glass this evening. We have to leave early since you have your trainer coming tomorrow at 6 in the morning. You need to get some sleep." I turned to Abhimanyu and nodded thoughtfully.

"I'll finish this drink. You get my coat." He immediately disappeared into the crowd to get my coat from Ms.Saxena.

I glanced over the entire cozy house seeing everyone cautiously measuring my every movement. My employees couldn't enjoy their evening properly since I, a very unfriendly boss was present there and that made me feel like a principal who when enters into the classroom, the laughter dies and all the whispers begin.

"Thank you so much for coming, Sir." Ms.Saxena smiled warmly at me and in response, I blinked.

Hours before I didn't even know she worked at Grey Petals until the time she ran to me at the parking lot of office requesting me to spare my five minutes in the evening and so I did. At first, the named sounded familiar but then how could I forget I dropped Ms.Weirdo to this Ms.Saxena's residence this morning itself. After a mentally stressful date with Maya, I think I deserved some entertainment and what greater entertainment there can be on earth other than playing Nandini Murthy's brain.

I stayed here for fifteen minutes, longer than I planned to. Perhaps, I was waiting to see somebody, maybe to surprise that somebody but the way she showed up in another man's arms surprised me itself. I looked over Ms.Saxena's head and there I saw Murthy silently watching me sipping on her red wine; her eyes were mouthing a bad whisper; the whisper that I was reading well.

"Goodnight, Ms.Saxena. Thanks for inviting me." I smiled briefly as she helped me wear my coat with full of etiquette.

"I am honoured, Sir. You have actually made me a star employee by gracing us with your presence tonight when most of us here have put our money on your non-arrival." She looked classy in her white shirt tucked in a beige pencil skirt; hair up in a bun and sky high heels ticking over the polished floor. "Goodnight." She smiled trying to open the door for me.

I gestured her to stop and she froze. I never liked a lady opening a door for me. When I glanced back once more, Murthy was tensely staring at the floor with Randhir anxiously switching his eyes between her and me.

I stepped out of the house and the loud music was only turning lighter with my each step away. The house wasn't something huge but it was cozy and a lot like one calls home. My mum always told me that I rise with the moon and that I am the child of the night; that the stars danced in my eyes so I looked up to find why all the rest of the stars were covered with clouds.

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