Chapter Ten ~

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*Disclaimer; I do not own Misfits. Only my own characters and plot lines.*

Rosetta Bernett 

"So someone left the keys, in the ignition. But there is no point in naming names at this stage, because it's done now.. so the probation worker is driving around with the stiffs in the boot of her car. Just thought you'd want to know. Anyway, call me!" Nathan ended giving the rest of us a sheepish look.

After our plan totally backfired, we decided to just chill out on the community's centre's roof until either Curtis or Alisha called us back. I was laying down on an old worn couch and Kelly was sitting on some long cushion stool thing. Simon just stood there drinking from his soda can.

We all looked at Nathan expectantly. "I left a message," he said striding over to Kelly and sitting down next to her. "Well I guess that's it then. We're going to prison." His posture slumped defeatedly.

"You honestly need to be more positive," I commented.

Kelly snorted, "when I was back in school one of my teachers said that was where I would end up."

"You'd be all right in prison, you've got the whole bald thing going on. You're well butch."

I groaned, "Kelly can you hit him for me? I'd do it myself but I truthfully am too comfortable to move." It's true, this couch I was laying was freaking comfy.

I heard a thud and then Nathan's annoying moan. "Why are you always hitting me?" He whined pathetically.

"Correction; I'm always hitting you. And it's because you're a dick." I snorted at him.

I looked up to see Simon pacing nervously. "Maybe Sally won't look in the boot."

"Fingers crossed, aye?" Nathan retorted sarcastically. Simon threw him a glare and sat down on a stool next to me, grabbing at his hair. I reached over and patted him on the knee, trying to be a bit comforting.

I closed my eyes and rested back into the couch. I thought about Curtis and Alisha wondering what they would be doing right now. I think it was pretty obvious that Alisha already a) made-out with Ben or b) slept with him. Whatever she did with Ben it was definitely taking an impact on Curtis.

"Nathan give me your phone." I spoke up.


"It's my turn to leave a voicemail," I said with a grin that no one could see. Something small hit my stomach and I looked to see it was Nathans phone. I gave a small 'whoop' in victory.

Looking through his contacts I finally found Curtis' name and suddenly wondered why Nathan had it in the first place. The two weren't exactly close. Shaking the thought off I clicked on the number and held the phone up to my ear. It rang for a moment until Curtis actually picked up.

"What's going on?" He answered. I was going to have fun with this, even though we were currently in deep shit.

"Where the hell have you been?" I screeched into the phone. I felt the others eyes' on me as I bit back a laugh. "The probation worker drove off with the bodies in the back of her car and you're just chasing Alisha around like it's daisies and pansies!"

 "Wait, what?"

"You heard me. So you and Alisha better get your lazy asses and get down here pronto!" With that I hung up and sighed in satisfaction. I glanced over at the other three who were still staring at me.

"I wanted it to be dramatic, okay?" I defended myself while rolling my eyes. They'd want to be dramatic too if they were in my shoes. All I wanted was to lighten the atmosphere up.

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