Chapter Seven ~

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*Disclaimer: I do not own Misfits or its plot lines. I only own my original characters and plots.*

Rosetta Bernett

I think the locker rooms were becoming a second home to us. If we weren't at home or doing our community service, we were either in the locker rooms or on the community centres rooftop just doing nothing or hanging about. All of us were currently in the locker rooms discussing the notes we found in Curtis' and Nathan's locker.

I bent over and gathered all my hair, pulling it back and twirling it into a bun. I stood up straight and leaned against my locker.

"Someone knows we killed him," Kelly said rubbing her eyes.

"Do you think it could be Sally?" Simon asked buttoning his top buttons of his shirt.

"Who's Sally?" Curtis asked spraying some deoderant.

"She's the probation worker," Simon informed him.

"Ooooo, Sally. Why do you know her name?" Nathan winked at him.

Simon gave him a disturbed glance. "She told us."

"Well you're a twat, because Sally, didn't show up until the day after we killed the other probation worker. I suppose you know his name too?"

I sort of hoped Simon wouldn't answer him, because he would only be digging a deeper grave for himself. "Tony." ...And he said it.

Nathan laughed, "do you love him?" I gave Nathan a dirty look that told him to shut up.

"He's sort of right," I said slightly agreeing with Nathan, "she wasn't here."

"If I turn invisible, I can see if anyone puts anything else in our lockers."

"Sounds like a plan," Curtis said staring at Alisha. "You alright with that, yeah?" He asked her.

"Works for me," she replied smacking her lips in the mirror as she looked over her appearance. I wrinkled my nose.

"Go on then, turn invisible." Curtis said turning to Simon. We all turned to look at him

He swallowed nervously. "I can't do it when everyone is watching me." 

"So I guess it's like pissing out at a urinal if you've got a tiny c*ck!" Nathan said raising his bushy eyebrows enthusiastically. I rolled my eyes at him. Simon looked down shyly, and dead silence followed.

"Wow, that's really impressive." Alisha sneered at him, walking out of the room. The rest followed her after closing their lockers.

"Come on, Rose!" Kelly shouted for me. I gave Simon a sad look. 

"Good luck, I guess." I gave him a small smile before also exiting the room. 

"Okay so, all these clothes have been donated by members of the public. You lot need to sort them before we ship them out to Africa." A volunteer called Ben instructed. A large, actually massive pile of clothes stared us all in the face.

"Just another day in paradise," Alisha said sarcastically.

"Yeah, well I'm sure all the people who see them will be very grateful for all your hard work," he replied giving her a smile. I plopped down on a table and rolled my eyes. I knew that smile.

"Well they should be. They're getting a new wardrobe." She said.

"Alright so these are the catagories that they need to be sorted into. It's childrens' clothes, shoes coats, that kind of thing. Okay so if you've got any questions, just ask." Ben said clapping his hands together. Nathan's hand shot right up.

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