To my unwelcome amusement stood a group of teenagers and 2 adults, all the teenagers I saw looked like myself, pissed and in desperate need of a bath. I hault my grooming and kept my distance just in case they attack. After what happen this morning I was in no trusting mood.

The adult male held up a stop watch and clicked the button as I came into their view. I suspiciously watched their movements. If I ran I wouldn’t make it to the woods, if I attack I was out numbered best if I just observe.  The kids began to laugh and whisper to each other, all but one.

He was tall, with a slender built body. He had lean but very good muscles for an adult. He was approximately 6’2.  He had thin facial hair small patch of hair under his pink lips...He possess a barely thick fan of a mustache above his lip. His glossy brown hair tucked neatly behind his ears in soft gentle waves. His brown eyes sparkle and watched me with amusement.

My mind must have been really messed up if I was thinking about someone like that at a time like this. Man I think the smoke got to my head. The male adult approached me and stood in front of me but at a distance once he saw me tensed visibly.

“For the daughter of John, You sure are slow!” The adult male chirped “I THOUGHT YOU DIE!!” He gasped holding his chest dramatically.

The female adult made her way to his side and elbowed him in the ribs. “Pardon him he is a bit rough around the edges. Why did you take so long dear?”  she sounded concern until she added a sarcastic      ” Did the fire slowed you down that much?”

I assumed at this point that because I exit the building at the side (where my bed was and the window…) no one saw the time official I came out of the building. I gave no answer to her just stared at her as if she had two head.

Her eyes went wide and she let out a gasp. “OH MY GOSH YOU GOT HARMED!!!” She cried out in shock. “This will not do!” she paced the area staring at my leg as if she was willing it to go away or repair itself.

I brought my gaze to my leg I saw the blood sticking to the small wound already healing. Damn they where annoying “It’s nothing I will survive.”  I grunted out.

“Since you burn my place to stay where do I go next?” I questioned.

The male and woman grinned and enclosed their arms around each other and smiled brightly before saying in union. “The main house!”

I didn’t think I had much say in this from the looks of everyone’s snickering and malicious grins. The teenagers looked at me like a piece of meat they wanted to devourers I felt royally fucked. Pardon my French.  One male stood out visibly to me.

He was tall, with a slender yet athletic built body. He had lean muscles very define for a teenager. He was approximately 6’1 way taller than my 5’4.  He had peach plump pink lips and they pressed together themselves in a thin line. He had a small button nose that was so cute I wanted to kiss it. He had no facial hair and his face was clean with no stray hair. His glossy brown hair was not very long was comb neatly in a classic style. He was spectacular despite a few dirt marks on his face. His brown eyes sparkle and watched me with distant coldness as if assessing my features, not even the lens of his glasses could hide the look he was giving me. I blushed under his gaze no one ever looked at me like that before and what was worse was the stoic face he kept up with that heated gaze.

I averted my eyes, sure I could jump out a burning building, ignore the pain when I cute myself, track and find the scent of an attacker but I most definitely couldn’t hold his gaze. I tried desperately to get his face out of my head shaking it furiously earning several strange glances from the group of teen.

Rose sister series Book 1 - Raven's SorrowWhere stories live. Discover now