Before you knew it, the two of you were inches apart.

"Why do you fear me?" He leaned in to whisper in your ear and you pushed him away. Glaring at him with as much force as you could.

"Do whatever the fuck you want to do," You turned on your heel and began to walk away from him. "Don't forget that I don't need you or anyone else." You walked down the stairs leading back to the hallways. Leaving Jungkook to his thoughts as he watched your retreating figure.

"So much for trying to reach out."


To say that you were annoyed was an understatement. Jungkook followed you around like a lost puppy, he still tried his best to remain quiet most of the times, but he still tried to reach out to you.

Of course, you weren't going to let him in too easily.

It was another school day with Jungkook trailing behind you. This time, he had been with Taehyung who had actively talking to him about things that you didn't bother to listen to. You were walking side by side with Jin as he explained to you about the 'awesome' cafe that he wandered into the other day.

Too bad that you already knew that you had to reject his offer to ever hangout outside.

"(Y/N)!" Your head turned towards the direction where the voice had come from, it was from in front of you and there you saw your brother being followed by two other boys. It didn't take you long to realize who they were.

"Jae-sun," you politely greet him and offer a small smile. The two of you haven't bumped into each other lately, actually, you had been purposely avoiding him. This time, you hadn't paid enough attention to your surroundings so you didn't see him coming.

He smiles brightly at you, you could see a few females glancing towards direction and sighing at the sight of him. You rolled your eyes at their action before turning back to him.

"You look like you're doing well." You could tell that his words weren't exactly truthful. Each candidate was being notified whenever someone had a protector or gained one. Your brother was taking the lead with 2, you and Daniel having one each, while Seulgi struggled with none.

You were lowkey glad that Jungkook was stubborn. But you wouldn't ever admit that you were going to accept him as your protector. It would only feed his ego.

"I am, you look like you are too." You just wanted to walk away and not talk to your brother. You wanted to go home and hide yourself from the rest of the world. But you knew that your comfort zone would only make you more vulnerable.

You were glad that your brother was sensing your 'I don't want to fucking talk to you' vibe and cut the conversation short, "We're gonna be late if we chat any longer, I'll see you soon, Noona. Don't forget father's words!" He walked past you followed by his two companions. A girl with blonde hair and a boy with black hair.

"That was your brother?" Taehyung was now at your side, slinging his arm around your neck as you walked. Usually, you would have snapped at him for touching you, but your move was already sour and you just wanted to get to class, sit down, and not listen. Mr. Minki didn't seem to mind anyways.

"Yup," You said, barely paying attention to him.

"He seems really weird." Taehyung said causing you to look at him and cock an eyebrow at his words.

"Coming from you?" He pouts at you and groans, Jin laughs at you and you heard Jungkook huff silently at the back. He stayed barely a step behind Taehyung as if keeping an eye on him.

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