i rise from the dead and strike a pose

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hey what's up im not dead

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hey what's up im not dead

So! I've been neglecting this artbook for ages, whoops-- and part of that is me getting hit by the new schoolyear like a freight train on steroids slowly creeping up on the next turn, since I'm pyshing myself to take more extracirriculars this year, and another part is that I'm sort of lazy

I'm doing a project for our Arts subject, and I might as well post part of it, right?

Still can't colour to save my life but at least I'm starting somewhere!

I've been painting nonstop for the past three weeks because of a class bulletin board competition I was made head designer of, so I'm kind of sick at painting atm but I think I've improved a bit! Getting better at those damn skin tones at least

If you think I sound peppier than usual, that's mostly because I've decided this year! Is the year! Of! Inane optimism!

Fuck yeah, performative optimism!

Er, what else?

I think I'll post some of the MonProm doodles we put on tumblr too? Yeah I'll do that

And DBH incorrect quote comics, while I'm at it

I'm going to commit to at least finishing this book, eh?


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