Chapter 9

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Isa's P.O.V : I could see Jamie looking at me trough the tent window. I could see in her eyes that there's something that really messed her up and that Jamie never chose to be like that. I thought in my mind on what if I tried to be friends with Jamie. One side was like YES! The other was not so much and started thinking about all the bad stuff that being friends with Jamie would do. I just decided " Fuck it I'm making friends with this girl. " it was about lunch time so I got my disgusting lunch and sat at the table Jamie was sitting at. " what the hell do you what? " Jamie asked. " hi! I'm Isa! You seem like you got messed up some how in the middle of your life. " I told Jamie. She nodded. " do you have friends? " he shook his head. I could see a tear starting to come down her face. I walked over to her seat and gave her a hug. He cried in my shoulder. That's when I knew this person would be my best friend.
We decided to hang out in her tent after lunch and talk. " wow, that's hard. I'm sorry. " I said to him after he finished talking about the 5 things that messed him up. I feel like I get her now.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2018 ⏰

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