Chapter four

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Flash Back : I remember the first day of summer...
That day my dad bring me to the park for the Middle school celebration where we were celebrating for next year on my first year of Middle school. Every kid was there, hated and loved all were there. Except Loren he wasn't there. But the best part was that my best friend's was there. Nova and Naomi Besets friends in the entire worlds. I remember seeing a girl who I didn't know getting bullied by two girls that I hated. I didn't stand up to her and felt really bad after that because she got a fractured arm from the bullies and I'll always regret that moment...

Isa's P.O.V : I woke up to a sound of Nikki's voice. " Isa! Isa! Wake up! " she yelled. I mumbled and tried to fall back asleep. " I SAID WAKE THE HECK UP! THIS IS URGENT!! " she said as she slapped me awake. I raised one eyebrow at her. I heard Crenshaw meow in the distance for food. " I think today might be my last day on Earth?! " Nikki said, it looked like she was serious. " what do you mean? " I asked confused. She showed me the toilet. Blood everywhere. " so I had to use the bathroom really badly so I went. And this happened! What does it mean Isa!? What does it mean!? " she said as she hugged me in fear. I thought for a second. " how old is Nikki again? " I said in my head. We sat back down on my bed after I fed my kitten. I told her about puberty. " Wait do I didn't forget to put my watermelons back in my backpack?! They're just tits?! " she said. I  giggled I little at what she said. " yep, your body is growing and the blood in the toilet is just your period. And that was the weirdest day of camp.

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