Chapter 6

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Isa's P.O.V : life has been hard, Nikki keeps asking me questions about puberty, Max and I haven't talked in a while, The counselors are stupid, and I just learned that my step sister is coming to camp. Veronica is the worst! I don't know if my dad knows that my ( nice ) step mom has a demon daughter. And she thought it would be "fun" if she came to camp. You see Veronica my step sister is basically a bitch. She's 16 years old witch makes her 4 years older then me. And the worst part is, is that she's pretty?! She already has her first boyfriend ( wait hold up! He's actually her 10th boyfriend ) and I'm pretty sure she's cheating on him. VERONICA IS THE WORST! I think she's even worse then my own mother.
" Isa! Your sister is here! " called out Alex. I wondered if I stayed in the tent that she would be disgusted from this camp and decide to go home. " come here rat! " she called out. " miss Alex, do you know where my sister is? " she asked Alex in her sweet voice that she tricks people to think she's nice. Alex pointed to my tent and led Veronica there. I quickly made my escape with Crenshaw. Then Alex saved my life! " This is your sisters tent. Your tent is with Erin. " Alex said. She then rolled her eyes and walked over to Erin's tent. Loud rock music from Erin's radio was playing. Veronica moaned. But I'm glad I'm not going to be sharing a tent with her.
" First activity of the week! Let me check the list... okay! First activity is Isa's activity! " called out David. He walked over to my tent and opened it.
" Now, what's your activity Isa? "
I thought for a second, because I didn't have an activity. So I could make up any activity I want!
" my activity is... uh " I hesitated and said the first thing that came to mind. " okay everyone we will be cooks today. "

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