Chapter 5

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Isa's P.O.V : After Nikki's puberty story we went to breakfast. All I can say is the quarter master, not bad. Until David walked in and tripped over Max's foot. " oops " Max said in a sarcastic tone. " It's okay buddy! We all make mistakes! " said David in his cheerful voice. Max rolled his eyes. " Morning campers! " said Alex. Ya know, I can accept Alex because she's not as bad as David is, so I won't hurt her. ( for now )...

Max's P.O.V : worst morning of my life. Neil got poison oak from... um ... some random thing. As always breakfast was uneventful. And Alex is still being a fucking idiot. Well that's all I have to say because my life is very very shitty.

Alex P.O.V: God it fucking hard to pretend to be so kind to everyone but for this to work I have to do it. I walk out back to a quiet place so I can make a important call, I dial their number "ah I have found a camp, their camps consular are fucking idiot.......oh I understand can't wait to see you" I end the call and head off to start camp activity's

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