2. The List

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Authors Note:
I'm changing Clarke to be 5 months pregnant (even tho that's harder to hide, but Clarke finds a way) because it fits the scenario better.

"Hey Clarke, you okay?" Bellamy asked.

"Ya, I'm fine, its probably just the nightblood or I'm sick." Clarke answered.

Bellamy raised an eyebrow, obviously not believing her.

'What's up with her. She's been avoiding me for a while now. I thought it was because I killed all those grounders and did other horrible things, but she's forgiven me and is still avoiding me for some reason.' Bellamy thought.


Clarke walked away from Bellamy. Abby walked up to her daughter.

"Hey, are you okay? Should I check for any sickness or injuries?" Abby said.

"No, I'm fine. I think it was just all the death I've seen making me feel sick. I'll be fine." Clarke said, trying to make up an excuse for her pregnancy sickness. She had to make sure her mom didn't find out about her baby.

(Time skip)
Everyone is back to where they are in 4x03

"So Luna's rig is here," Raven said pointing at a screen, "and if the fish in these waters are dying, well, basically we're screwed."
Raven said.

"I don't understand. Alie said we had six months." Bellamy asked.

"We don't." Raven told them.

"Well, then how long do we have?" Clarke questioned.

"It's hard to say. Radiation is dispersed by jet stream and carried by ocean currents, so it's not an exact science, but the leading indicators are small species die-offs, fish, insects. Based on the new data I'd say we have.... 3 months." Raven disappointingly answered.

"Shit." Clarke murmured.

"Did you say something?" Bellamy turned to Clarke.

"No, nothing I uh coughed." Clarke look away from Bellamy.

Raven explains what everyone has to do before the black rain comes.

"We just have to decide who gets to live here." Raven stared at Clarke.

"Raven, we're not talking about the list again."

"Clarke, we are running out of time. We have to make a plan for the day we close the doors, frill for it, make sure only the survivors have guns, agree on protocols for dealing with the people who are pissed off they're not chosen."

Raven was starting to yell. Angry that Clarke wasn't listening.

"You asked me to be in charge of rationing, and I am doing it, but choosing who gets to live or die is your specialty." Raven said knowing that it would make Clarke consider doing it as soon as possible.

Clarke knew she had to write the list. She just wished she could find a way that everyone could we safe.

The sounds of a rover engine starting rung in their ears.

"No one's scheduled to take the rover" Raven said.

Authors Note:
So basically I'll post a chapter at least every three days, but if I have time I'll probably do one everyday. So most of the time everyday, if I don't post the next day I'll post either the day after or two days after. Does that makes sense idk.

Also I changed it to three months cuz it fits the scenario better.

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