"W-What?! No!"

"Hm..." she thinks before something under the table catches her attention.

Reaching out and wrapping her fingers around the fake purple flowers, she puts the old flower crown a top her head.

"Alright. I'll be at the table if ya need me," she turns around and crawls her way back to the side of the table.

Unbeknownst to her, Urushihara's face flushed fifty different shades of red from how cute the oblivious bluenette looked just then.

He shifts in his spot, recrossing his legs, and does his best to distract himself on the laptop.

A couple of hours pass and unfortunately Aiko didn't have much written down from the three books she spent time reading.

She was just finishing up the last book when Maou came home a little before four. Her head turned 90° towards the door.

"Hey Maou! Great timing, I have a question about something," she places her pen down on her note pad and holds up the book to him, "Do you know what language this is? It's not Japanese, nor is it any dialect of Ente Islan. And I don't think it's English either."

He squints his eyes at the page, trying to decipher the text, though, unfortunately, in vain it seems.

"Sorry Aiko, no idea what it is. Why don't you use the internet to translate it,"

"My computer," Aiko heard Urushihara grumble. Though Maou must have heard it too, because he threw a dirty rag from the kitchen at the back of his head.

"Gross! What the hell man, this thing is filthy!"

"Don't be such a selfish brat then,"

Grabbing the book and heading over next to the NEET, she places the book next to the keyboard.

"Come on Hara, please help out," the boy let out a sigh before opening a new tab and searching the first sentence at the top of page.

"It's Latin,"


"Yeah. No one uses it anymore though. Its an old ass language." He closes the tab and goes back to whatever he was doing before.

Aiko takes back the book and sits down at the table once more.

"Interesting," she starts reading the text at the top that was written in black ink. Mumbling slightly under her breath, trying to pronounce each unknown word.

Taking off the flower crown a top her head, she starting twirling it in the air around her finger as Maou's voice reached her ears.

"You staying for dinner Aiko?"

"If its not too much of a bother, sure!"

"Cool," He gives her a dorky smile before starting to make dinner.

"This foreign language is so...different. It doesn't sound as harsh as Ente Islan, or as elegant as Japanese. Listen to this Maou," Aiko stops twirling the headpiece and grips it tightly in her right hand as she holds up the book in her left. Reading the four lines in the middle of the page in red ink.

"Animabus nostris et catenis erit removere. Haec parva momenta complecti armis contra mortale. Alii sensus non sentiunt inter se, ut in se sentiunt dolorem. Cum praeterita nostra caedens sync innotescit."

Immediately after speaking the last syllable, Aiko's body completely tenses.

"Yeah, you're right. That is definitely different-" The Devil King's sentence was cut short as a loud thud resonated throughout the small apartment. It even caused Ashiya to awaken from his deep slumber.

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