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"What's in it for me if I give you information on my species?"

The old man pondered for a few moments. He didn't want to bargain with something that could easily backfire, but what other option did he have?

"How about, in fifty years time, my project will help you find the seven Chaos Emeralds and give them to you?"



The old man sighed with relief before turning to look at a prototype for the Ultimate Life Form. Well, at least one of the two latest prototypes.

He began to talk to the alien creature. "All I need is a couple blood drops for my research. I can put one in my project so you can call it when it's time to collect the Emeralds."

A few hesitant moments pass before blood was dealt from the creature. The drops fell into three separate tubes. One for research on this species, the second for the prototype, and the third for backup.

The professor picked up the second tube and inserted the blood into the capsule where one of the prototypes was in stasis. The old man explained how the blood cells would divide six times faster than normal thanks to the container's liquid properties.

Not that this creature cared.

It only wanted its side of the deal.

As the old man was about to walk the creature to his pod, the machine beeped a warning alarm.

"What's going on?" The creature asked.

The professor looked at the computer. The data...the numbers were off what they should have been. The results were not supposed to be like this. This was not supposed to happen.

The Ultimate Life Form, this prototype, the one that was supposed to be perfect, failed yet again.

He wanted to immediately destroy this one, destroy yet another one that failed.

But like with the original, the old man couldn't bring himself to do it.

The professor took in a swallow, typed some commands into the computer to stop the process. Once he was done, he said he was sorry in a whisper so the creature next to him couldn't hear.

"This prototype's response to your blood...both of the DNAs were mutating fine at first. But the effects will be disastrous if I let it actively live with your blood. But, I was prepared in case this happened."

The man walked to the container next to the first one. The backup prototype in case the first one had a poor reaction to the blood of the aliens.

This prototype looked almost identical to the first one, but with a few design differences to distinguish the two.

The professor sighed as he took the backup vile and inserted it into the tube that suspended the second prototype.

"My apologies for what happened, I didn't think it would respond the way that the prototype did to your blood."

The creature chuckled. "Gerald, are you always like this?"

The professor didn't answer as the two waited to see if this prototype would react the same way as it's predecessor.

Instead of having problems like before, it opened its eyes to show crimson irises.

The professor looked to the creature, who was studying the life form. After the brief examination, it backed away and announced it would be leaving.

"I'll see you in fifty years...what's its name?"


"Until we meet again, Shadow."

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