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Hey guys Inkfinite here.  

Just wanted to explain some things..do a recap and have a Question and Answer session. 

Ok first things first.

I know I haven't been updating as frequently but I promise to try to make as many chapters per week as I possibly can. Please understand that I am not cancelling LOVE or any other story that I make...just know that I will be posting as many chapters as I possibly can to keep you guys interested in my stories. 

I did originally set the story in the medieval ages.. but as the story went on I put the story more into a 1600-1700 vibe. For you gamers out there and for those gamers who have played this game ...think of it more as the setting being in the Fable Universe. 

Also the time skips between the story are intentional but if you all would like I will revise those chapters and add what has happened between that time frame. I hope you all like the story thus far. Any questions or confusion you would like me to clear up feel free to ask any in the comments below or in a private message to me. 

You are a flame elemental that just got engaged to the walking candlestick known as Grillby. Your friend has also gotten engaged to Sans. I have gotten a request or two about a lemon...not sure about those yet..we will see. If a lot of you request one there will be a higher chance but ..not sure how a lemon will play out with the story yet ..think of it as a surprise chapter if there is one. :) Anyway I hope you like the story so far, and will continue to read it as I continue the story. Feel free to ask , or talk about anything in the comments below. I would love to hear your feedback. Until then stay tuned for more chapters to come. 


LOVE (Grillby x OC!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now