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Very very short chapter! Sorry! I hope you like it though, until next chapter -Ink

Everyone stops and quickly turns around. However, you find yourselves surrounded by cloaked figures. "You monsters are not going anywhere." A man had said. Toriel stepped forward, I have never seen such anger in her eyes. "We have done no wrong here, leave us be. Besides, we were all just leaving so please let us go." She says. One of the men laugh, which made my eyes narrow beneath the hood of my cloak. "You foul creatures, just the look of monsters and humans living amongst each other just makes me sick! Monsters should not be here on the surface, in fact, your kind shouldn't be here at all!" Before I could stop her, Aela steps forward. "The only monster I see here is you!" She yells. 

This was the wrong move.

His attention quickly turns to Aela and I. "Sir, the woman is clearly human. We should not stand for this!" A young man said. "Your right lad, humans that are clearly involved with monsters, are no better than the beings they associate with." The leader stated, suddenly looking at me and pointed in our direction. "Men! Restrain them all! We will prove to these monsters who the powerful ones are!" The men grab my friends, I put Aela behind me protectively. I yell to them "Leave us alone!" The leader looks at me, with this strange look in his eyes. He looks over to one of his followers, "Bring that one to me." My eyes widen as I am pulled away from Aela, from my friends to be brought in front of this man. He looks up towards my friends, which I can no longer see. "You monsters, you live with this woman without knowing what she is! How can you trust her? Well worry not, foul creatures, I will reveal the truth to the world. " I start to struggle in my bonds and the people that force me to my knees, and force my arms behind my back. I hear my friends yelling and struggling as well, yelling at them to let me go. 

They don't.

The man comes closer, lifts up my head by my chin even though it's hidden from view. "Let's see what you are......" He walks behind me, and I struggle even more. I feel his hands on my cloak, his hands grab the edge of the hood that covers my head. "No! Please let me go!" He doesn't listen. I stop struggling and know what's coming. I close my eyes, and feel the hood become pulled off my head. 

Everything stops. 

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