The Friend

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You decide to go out and meet Aela at the food district today. Sure enough, there she is next to the snack area. "Hey Aela! I'm over here!" You say as she turns around to look for you. Once she spots you she smiles and runs over. "Hey girl! Looking hot as always." You groan as you hear the pun. "Thanks. Also how are you and Sans doing?" She blushes and averts her gaze, but then looks back up at you with a smile. "We're doing great!" She says with a thumbs up. You laugh and smile back at here. "That's great to hear. Well what should we do today?" Almost immediately she points to certain food stands. "We have got to go try these new items! C'mon let's go!" Grabbing your arm before you could say anything else, she pulls you towards the first one. This is bringing back a weird sense of deja vu. The man greets the both of you with a smile, gesturing to the different food items. "Take your pick! These just came in this morning!" Different pastries line the shelves, what caught your eye was something you've never seen before. It was shaped? "Ooo I'll take that one!" Aela says with glee, pointing to the fish like pastry. You shake your head, but your smiling. "Same old Aela." You say. She smirks and does a little pose. "If it ain't broken don't fix it." You laugh. "Would you like anything Ms?" The man asks. You look over at the other pastries and decide on sweet roll. "Finally something that isn't a muffin." Aela says. You stare at her as the both of you walk towards a bench close to the center of the courtyard. "Don't judge my muffins they are amazing." You say with a fiery smile. She folds one leg over the other as you sit down, taking a bite of her food. "Oh my gawsh dis ish amazing!" Alea says. You give a small look of disgust "Please don't talk with your mouth open! It's gross!" You tell her, she smiles and finishes the bite. "It's so good man! We need to come here more often!" She says. You nod in agreement and take a bite of yours. Sweet yet's good. Aela looks to you "How are you and the flameboy doing?" She says she takes another bite. You smile goofily. "I've never seen that smile on your face before....I know you haven't slept with the guy..and it's not like he proposed or something so what gives?" She takes another bite and looks to you expectingly. You blush and averted your gaze. She chokes. "What?! No me!" You don't look at her, smiling still and holds out your hand for her to see. "OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD OHMYGOD! NO WAY!! AHHHHHHH THIS IS AMAZING!" She screams. You shush her, flames coloring from embarrassment "Not so loud!" You say. She's grinning from ear to ear "We could have our weddings on the same day! Oh I'm so excited my best friend is getting married! We could have bachelorette parties together...go get wedding dresses together...EVERY-i mean everything!" You smile and chuckle at her antics. "I know. I'm so happy..and to think that I can do the same with my best friend? That makes me the happiest girl ever." She hugs you, almost to the point of taking the breath out of you. You could feel your flames dimming from the lack of oxygen. "Aela..." She squeezes you harder. "A..ela." "Yeah?" "C-can't B..brea..the!" She gasps and lets go. You cough and wheeze as the sweet oxygen fills your lungs. "Whoops...sorry." She says. "It's okay." You wave it off. She squeals, hardly able to stay in her seat. "Let's go! We have got sooo many plans to make! Heck we'll go dress shopping for the fun of it! C'mon!" "Wait wha-Woah! Ok ok!" She pulls you out of your seat and drags you past all the other spectators as she leads you towards the shopping district. "You know what?! Since both of us hardly know anything about where to begin let's go to the library!" You laugh along with her as she pulls you the town library. 

As the both of you reach the small library in the corner of town, she stops at the entrance. "I can't wait to plan this with you! It's going to be amazing! I know you can't talk in here, just whispering is let's go!" You follow her into the building..flames lighting up in surprise as you see the full scope of how large it is on the inside. As you scan the isles, Aela went up to the librarian and asked where to find the books. You walk down each little corridor, and sure enough spot a certain lizard friend looking at some books. You walk up to her, but realize she doesn't notice you're there. You grin as you tap her shoulder, and when she looks you move to the other side of her. She slowly turns towards where you are, and almost screams because you sccared her. "M-Marianne! Don't d-do that!" She whisper yells. You chuckle. "I'm glad to see you, it's been a while." You whisper back. "There you are!" Aela says. A librarian is heard shushing her from a distance. "Oh Alphys it's great to see you!" She whispers to the lizard woman. Alphys smiles at the two of you. "It's g-great to s-see the both of y-you as w-well! W-what brings you t-two here?" She asks. You can literally feel the grin on Aela's face, and you aren't even looking at her. She elbows you and you flush as you hold out your hand with a smile. Poor Alphys looks like she's about to have a heart attack right here and now. "Oh o-h my g-gosh I new it! This is g-great!" She whisper yells. Well, more than yelling than whispering at this point. " now there is two weddings to have!" Aela says. Your certain your different colors at this point. "Would you like to accompany us to the isle of the books we are looking for?" You ask. Alphys nods her head so fast that you fear it might fall off her shoulders. "Great! Let's go!" Aela says. You and Alphys look at each other and smile, following your friend. 

Time skip to ???

It has been a few hours...maybe. You haven't been keeping track. All of you are having fun looking through the books, writing notes about what your favorite items were. You really liked some of these ideas and wrote them down on some paper the librarian let you have. You all have fun talking with one another and discussing what your favorite ideas are. "Tomorrow we should go dress shopping!" You shake your head and she pouts. "Aw..why not?" You look to her. "I don't have enough saved up to buy anything...I don't even have a date set yet and neither do you! I mean it's good that we are planning and have things to look for but don't you think it's smart to be able to save up money to pay up for the things we want?" Alphys and Aela stare at you for a moment, Aela sighs. "You're right. Don't worry we'll think of something." You smile at your friends, happy that they are here with you, and that you can plan this wedding with them. You look out the window closest to the table you all are sitting at, and stare at the sunset. "'s already that late?" Aela says. "The l-library w-will be c-closing soon huh?" Alphys asks. You turn to her, the last of the suns rays shining and hitting your face, making you glow even brighter. "Yes. Unfortunately." You say. Aela smiles. "Do you need anyone to walk you home Alphys?" She asks. Alphys smiles back. "N-No. Undyne is g-going to c-come and take me h-home." She looks to you. "I-Is it o-okay if I tell her y-you're engaged?" You think for a moment, and smile and nod to her. "Of course. I'm sure she'd find out eventually. I'm shocked about how fast everyone found out..yet I have a hunch." You look to your friend, who chuckles nervously. "Y-yeah ..sorry about that." Alphys chuckles and waves her goodbyes. "Well I'll b-be over h-here until U-Undyne gets here." Aela smirks. "Ok. Tell her hi for me." Alphys nods, and walks away. You turn to your friend. "Seems like we got everything we need. Ready to go?" She nods, and the two of you walk out of the library, as the sun sets you both stare at it. "Isn't it beautiful?" You ask her. She smiles. "It sure is. Everything feels like it will be just fine from here on out. I mean, we haven't seen hide nor hair of those Forgotten Ones ...and everyone is going just just feels so peaceful you know?" You nod, looking back towards the setting sun. "'re right. I hope it stays like this forever..don't you?" You ask. She smiles and gives you a thumbs up. "Right!" She says, making you chuckle. You tilt your head slightly and smile. "Ready to go home?" She nods, and the two of you walk away in the direction of home, as the stars begin to show and shine in the sky. 

"What are your orders?"

"Report back to me. Tell me everything...we'll come up with a plan from there."

"Right Away."

Dark laughter is heard as a voice speaks.

"We'll get these monsters eventually." 


Hey guys. I sincerely apologize for the lack of updates here lately. I have been very busy...and I apologize for that. Luckily I should be getting back in the swing of things, so expect updates more often. But I really hope you enjoy these next few chapters. So I wonder what will happen next? Let me know what your thoughts are in the comments below! Stay tuned - Ink 

LOVE (Grillby x OC!Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang