Chapter 5

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"Where were you?" Fatima whispered turning to Ibrahim.
It's been ten minutes the class has started and Fatima was not aware of his whereabouts. He loves being on time everywhere. Even when he does not will to attend the thing.
"Library." They both turned to look at Mr Hedgings who takes their Organizational Behaviour.
A grumpy man, who's face is a no-good view. One mistake and you face detention.

"Library?" Fatima whispered again, raising her brow, head turned, her gazes travelling to and fro from Mr Hedgings and Ibrahim.
Both of their books lying open, abandoned.
"Why would you go to the library?"
It was one hella time he went to the library. Fatima loves to read books. She could be found in the library if she is free. But, Ibrahim? A big NO!
He went library a long time ago to get an apology from Fatima. She had asked him to bake her a pineapple cake on one weekend. He being the oh-so welcoming person, he simply forgot. It took Ibrahim another two days, one pineapple cake and an ice cream treat to bear an upset Fatima.
After that, she easily came around.

"I managed to trip." He mirrored Fatima's actions.
"I staggered into a guy, fell flat on my stomach taking him as my guest pal, too." He whined.
"Wow, that's so of you. Nothing's new." Fatima assured she knows him too well to say.
"That was embarrassing, Fatima."
He slumped his shoulders.
His gazes shifted to Mr Hedgings from whom they were still unnoticed and Fatima stared at him. She browbeats him, always. "What?" He enquired.
She raised her left brow. She took a few seconds pause when she saw Mr Hedgings gazes to be somewhere near them.
He sighed.
"Ira was there it was damn embarrassing, Fatima, out of all day, why today? Man!" Ibrahim groaned like any other girl on her monthly days. She muffled the laugh in her mouth.
"You were stalking?"
"No!" He whispered tells in anticipation and slightly flushed.
"Okay... I may be just going to... Talk?"
"You were stalking!"
"Don't make it sound worse Fatima."
"Shut up! Will yeah? We'll talk later. You will be taking me Starbucks after Uni."

He nodded,
She grinned.


The aroma of chocolates, coffee, pastries and cakes hit their senses as soon as they entered into the Starbucks.
The day was about to turn dark. It wasn't busy here at this time of an hour. Not empty either.
Fatima waved and smiled at Lily before occupying her usual corner table of the shop. She believes that it disperses her from the rest of the world, at least for a few moments.
Indeed, she agrees that there is purely no-sense in her beliefs.
She does not care until it is only her to keep, her secret.

Fatima scrolled her Instagram. She passed through her friend's posts liking each of them, as if mandatory.
She does not understand the thing between people and the sad quotes, she cringed. That makes her depressed for no reason.
She went to the searches to find something interesting. Instead, one post caught her gazes.
It contained the beautiful cream-golden colossal mosque, a man offering Salah and the lines said :

"How foolish are we to rush our prayers, when Allah is the owner of time."

The lines unknowingly send chills in her body. The blood rushed at a high pace.
To even rush the prayers she needs to start offering them first.
She was aware of the universe, the planets, the world is created by Him, The merciful, Allah S.W.T.
Her mother once told her, He, almighty, is the most powerful of all being. However, she never thought of something so particular.
She stared at the screen distantly.

"Here you go," her reverie broke with Ibrahim's voice.
Fatima's eyes sparkled instantly as her food sits in front of her.
Thoughts already flew away like thin air.
"Amm..." She gasped taking the first bite. Eyes closed, feeling the creamy texture of the doughnuts in her mouth.
"Oh my..."
"Oh my God... This is love at first bite. This is heaven, pure bliss." Ibrahim mimicked her.
Fatima chuckled taking another bite.
"Wow, you moan like me!"
Ibrahim guffawed, taking a sip of his espresso.
"You eat same,
You act same,
You say same." He affirmed

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