Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

I began waking up to loud noises and flashing lights. I opened my eyes, seeing Courtney kneeling over me. This time Shannon was also there instead of Aaron.

I sat up too quickly and Shannon put her hand on my back, supporting me. “Wha--” I muttered, feeling like a piano fell on my head. You don't want to make this a habit, Mia, I thought to myself. “How long have I been out?” I questioned. But then I looked toward the exit and saw the swarm of reporters with cameras, tapping insistently on the windows and door. “Holy shit.”

Courtney sighed, looking anxious. “Long enough for them to find you.”

I started to get up suddenly, immediately worrying for my mother and sister. I stumbled, toppling onto a chair. “I have to get out of here,” I announced.

“You might be able to go out the back, but they will probably see you,” Shannon told me. Feeling defeated, we waited ten minutes to see if they would leave, but they persisted, flashing their cameras and pounding on the door.

“I've had enough,” I declared, getting up from my chair. “Help me get out.”

The three of us jumped into action, Courtney starting with a plan, “Shannon, you distract them while Mia and I slip out the back.”

Shannon put her hands in her hair, looking panicky, “Distract them how?”

Courtney shrugged, taking my hand, “I don't know. Dance around in your underwear, I don't care!” She exclaimed, stepping back for Shannon to take over.

She started shouting insults and curse words at the cameramen as they flashed photos. I could only imagine the headline: Crazy flower lady tries to fend off the cameras.

“Come on,” Courtney said, grabbing our things and slowly pulling me backwards toward the back exit.

She opened the door to freedom as I stumbled behind her. So much for freedom. I stepped out into the fresh air and turned to see more reporters moving in on me. Courtney pulled on my hand, trying to drag me through as the lights flashed, blinding me. I followed her, eager to get away. We pushed our way through part way and it wasn't exactly easy considering that the people were following my every move. Just when I thought I was free, the reporters began to surround me and I became trapped.Somewhere along the line, I lost hold of Courtney's hand and suddenly she disappeared ahead of me and I couldn't find her. “Courtney!” I shouted desperately.

Questions were fired out all around me, muffling together, deafening me and making my head pound, “Did you know about the Will?” My brain could barley process them fast enough answer. I don't know what's going on!

“How did you hear about the discovery?”

“How do you plan on spending the money?”


“Do you miss your father?”

I couldn't take them bringing up my dad. I couldn't. “Courtney!” I screamed louder, tears spilling over my eyes.”

“What is your involvement with Graham Johnston?”

“Sources say you are rumored to have hidden the Will from your mother and sister, is this true?” What?

She's gone. How could she leave me alone here? I hate her. Terrible thoughts raced through my mind as I began feel myself panicking. My heart raced in my chest. My breaths were coming out in gasps and I was finding it hard to breathe. There was a stabbing pain in my chest as I held my hands to it. I'm going to die here.

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