Chapter Twenty-Three

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I know that this is months and months and months late, and I'm really sorry. But nevertheless, here it is. I hope you enjoy it.


Chapter Twenty-Three

"How dare she!" I exclaimed to myself as I paced the suite, frustrated and angry over my fight with my sister. She was gone. I didn't know where she was or what she was doing, but I didn't have to be a detective to figure it out. It irritated me to no end.

Fine, let her be stupid, my thoughts were apathetic. Maybe she'll learn her lesson that way.

She's just a child, my inner compassion chided.

I argued with myself, "But that's no excuse!"

All I was doing was trying to help her and she freaked out, acting like I was her arch enemy. She didn't even hear me out.

"I don't have time for this!" I yelled, stomping my foot and pulling at my hair. I already had my father's crap and Graham's crap and my own emotional roller coaster to deal with it.

I felt like screaming at the top of my lungs; hurting someone or hurting myself. I knew that that definitely wouldn't lead to anything good. But I didn't care. I just wanted to feel better. For everything to go away and for anything - something - to take the pain away. For even just a second. I didn't care what it was. I needed my dad to live again. To have another chance with him. But I couldn't have that. What I could have, was numbness. I gasped, choking down a feral sob.

My hands were shaking, my body and my emotions still stimulated from the endorphin rush the fighting had caused. I didn't feel like myself. I had been holding myself together since everything that had happened in the last few months, and what was Chloe doing? Having sleepovers with a boy who was treating her badly. She'd accepted that fact and was in denial about it.

I sighed and stretched my arms behind my head. "Ughhhhhh!" I cried out and threw my hands back down, lowering my body over the back of the couch with my face falling deep into the cushion.

I should just stay like this. My head in a hole. Buried away.

I turned my face away from the cushion so I could breathe. I took a deep breath, then rolled the rest of my body off the back of the couch and laid down. On my stomach, I reached my arm out to the table in front of me and grabbed my phone.

Get it together, Mia.

I looked at it. It was after nine o'clock. Maybe it was the adrenaline, or maybe I had temporarily gone crazy, nevertheless, I hit speed dial and brought my phone to my ear, waiting as it rang.

I was itching to have some fun for once. And let go of myself. For a little while at least.

He answered on the third ring.

"Hey, you. What are you up to?" The sound of his voice sent shivers throughout my body.

I cleared my throat, ignoring the sound of my muffled voice and said, determinedly, "Graham, let's go out."


"I gotta tell you," Graham spoke as we walked up to the bar entrance, "I'm surprised you called me. Even more surprised by where you wanted to go."

My hand in his, I looked at him and questioned, "Why?"

"Because I feel like I always have to drag you places and surprise you to get you to go anywhere with me," he told me with a chuckle, "Plus, this doesn't really seem like your scene."

I winked, "Well, I guess tonight is your lucky night. I'm full of surprises, Graham. You'll learn, in due time," I said with a playful tone.

We were ID'd at the door but because Graham was well...Graham - he simply had to smile, fist bump the doorman, talk about basketball and he was let inside without a moment's hesitation.

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