Chapter Three

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Sorry it's a bit slow. I don't really want to half-ass this story. It will pick up in the next chapter. 

Chapter Three

Stepping outside, I looked around and stared at the driveway. I had a sudden, jolting flashback from my childhood. I was about seven. My dad was arriving home from a fishing trip.

In my nighty, I ran from the house to my dad's truck, shouting, “Daddy! Daddy!” I hurtled myself into his warm, comforting embrace, and wrapped my petite arms around his neck. “I missed you,” I told him.

“I missed you too, sweetie,” my dad replied, a big goofy grin on his handsome face. His dark hair was messy and tousled and his fishing clothes were dirty. His hazel eyes were glowing and full of happiness and life. That's how I tried to remember him.

Three year old Chloe stood in the doorway, watching the scene with a curious look on her face.

When my dad put me down, he exclaimed, “Wanna see a fishy?!” Scared, Chloe ran back into the house. She didn't like fish. Unlike me however, who was jumping up and down, clapping my tiny hands in excitement.

I sighed at the memory, tromping down the driveway, with tears still in my eyes. The flashback didn't help matters much. I would never have a new memory with my dad.

I looked up, seeing the dark rain clouds high in the sky. I groaned as a drop pattered my nose, then all at once began to pour down all around me.

I reached a bus stop, and I sat down, not wanting to walk to the store in the rain. Maybe I was just lazy and using the rain as an excuse. The shop was less than five minutes away. Oh, well, I thought, slouching on the bench.

Shortly after, the bus pulled up and stopped. The doors opened and I stepped up, depositing my change. I snatched the card that popped up and turned, surveying the passengers. The only near seat (I wanted to avoid stepping over people as I walked to the end of the bus) was next to an attractive male who looked only a couple year older than myself.

I bit my lip, sitting down next to him. I placed my purse in my lap and pulled out my Ipod, as he watched me, making me feel uncomfortable under his scrutiny.

I stuck my ear buds in my ears and tried to relax, the music flowing through my ears. More than anything I tried to ignore the small grin on the guys face that I could see from my peripheral, as he watched me. I wondered what colour his eyes were.

I squirmed, wishing he would stop looking at me. I was so focused that it barely registered in my mind when his mouth began forming words and I couldn't hear them.

I took one of my ear buds out so I could hear what he was saying. I had no idea why he would be speaking to me. He smirked, realizing he needed to repeat himself, “You like A Day to Remember.”

For a moment I was confused. What was he talking about? But then I glanced down and read the band name on the song I was currently playing, and realized that he must have read my Ipod screen.

I gulped as I looked at him, muttering an, “Oh, yeah.”

This guy had a hot nerd look going for him. He was wearing full rimmed glasses over dazzling blue eyes. His extremely dark hair continued from his head, into sideburns and a bit of scruffy facial hair, which made him look rustic and mature.

He smiled, “Interesting. Wouldn't expect a cute cheerleader-looking-blond-girl on the bus to be into music like that.”

I flushed and shrugged, trying to appear nonchalant. I answered, “People surprise you.”

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