Chapter Twenty

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Chapter Twenty

The next day, Graham and I decided to leave early because of his accident. Everyone else wanted to stay for the rest of the week, with the exception of Chloe who, much to my disdain, didn't want to be around Brian any more than she was required to. The idea of the trip back with my sister didn't appeal to me and neither did the thought of leaving Aaron and Courtney alone at the resort. What is wrong with me?

We couldn't take the van we travelled up in, so we were going to ride with Graham's bodyguards, as weird as that was.

I stood in the suite, shoving Graham's belonging's into his suitcase. “Stop!” He exclaimed, “You're doing it wrong.”

I turned to him as he lounged on the bed, his crutches leaning up against the wall beside him. Giving him a look, I said, “How do you pack a suitcase wrong?”

“You have to fold them so everything fits,” he stated matter of factually.

Unimpressed, I remarked, “I'm going to fold you in a second.”

“I'd like to see you try.”

Suddenly there was an incessant knocking on the door from the main room. I expected it was Chloe with her things packed, prepared to annoy me. Which was basically her job. But I was wrong.

Headed to the door, I called to Graham as my mind wandered, “I'm tired of living out of hotels, Graham. I can't wait to move back--” I opened the door mid-sentence, stopping me short when I saw none other than Brian standing in front of me. His black hair was in disarray like he'd been running his hands through it repeatedly in frustration.

I frowned, “What are you doing?”

He pushed passed me and into the room. People around me seemed to have a habit of doing that. Maybe I need to be more authoritarian. “Is Chloe here?”

I shook my head, concern overpowering my anger for a moment. “No. What did you do this time?”

He groaned, frustrated, “She told me she was leaving and I got angry and she started crying and left.”

Brian looked honestly distraught, which was slightly comforting. Only slightly. “What right do you have to be angry?” I demanded.

He ignored my comment and paced as if I wasn't there, “Where do you think she could be?”

“I don't know,” I responded, crossing my arms.

He turned to me and shouted, “Why don't you know? You're her sister!”

“And you're the guy she's in love with,” I responded simply. “Which one of us do you think holds the most responsibility in her eyes?”

Breathing heavily, I could see the emotion in his eyes as he stared at me, “She said she was in love with me? What else did she say?”

“She might as well have,” I paused, “Congratulations, you're the first guy she's genuinely cared for and you broke her heart. She'll never trust anyone again because of you.”

Ashamed, he looked at the floor, “I didn't know she felt that way...”

“Now you know. So, what are you going to do about it?”

Graham called from the bedroom, “Mia, is everything okay?” God, he was totally useless.

I hollered back sweetly, “I'm dealing with it!” Frowning, I glared at Brian again, “You can't treat people like that. Douche baggery is not becoming on anyone.”

He threw his hands up in frustration, “You don't understand!”

“Then help me.”

“I was confused,” he said, taking a step away from me. Operation intimidation is a go.

A Solitary Heart: Book OneOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant