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Lavender leaned towards Hermione as Ginny shrieked and clung to Harry. "Pay up, sweetie."

Hermione only smiled back. "You said he would propose before Christmas. You missed it by two minutes."

Lavender's jaw dropped as she looked at the clock Hermione pointed at. Grumbling, she handed over the ten Galleons to Hermione.

"You bet on my sister?"

"No, Won-Won. We bet on your brother-in-law."

Ron glared at Hermione. "Never bring that up again."

"TO CELEBRATE THE HAPPY COUPLE!" Pansy shouted as she once again climbed a table in the Room of Requirement. "I SUGGEST STRIP POKER!"

Blaise grabbed her arm and pulled her off the table. "No," he said firmly. "You're going to sleep the alcohol off first."

"Oh, so we can play when I wake up?"

Blaise sighed and pushed Pansy towards the couch. Then he walked over to Lavender. "My dear Brownie, if I could please have my five Galleons?"

Ron snorted as Lavender almost threw the five gold coins at Blaise.

"Shut up, Ron," she grumbled.

"Hey, Granger. I'll give you Brownie's five Galleons if they aren't married by this time next year."

Hermione glanced at Ron. "You're on, Zabini."


Pansy woke up and the first thing she suggested was a round of strip poker. Blaise glared at her. "If you suggest it one more time, I will tie you down and --"

"Ooh," Pansy said with a soft giggle. "You kinky son of--"

"THERE ARE SMALL EARS!" Hermione shouted.

Draco's jaw dropped. "You cursed at me yesterday and you were holding Tobias!"

"Don't rat me out," Hermione huffed. "You absolute b--"

"THERE ARE SMALL EARS!" Pansy mimicked.

Hermione narrowed her eyes. "Fucking stop me from cursing," she challenged.

"I could think of a few ways," Draco said, leaning towards her.

"No, you make me swear even more."

Draco smirked, Blaise snorted, Hermione flushed, Pansy's jaw dropped, Luna giggled and Neville sneezed. It took a few seconds before the laughter spread to everyone but Hermione.

"Just you wait, Draco Malfoy. Just you wait."

When the laughter died down, Hermione spoke to Luna.

"How was Egypt?"

Luna smiled. "It was wonderful. I met up with Bill and Fleur there. He says he's coming back for Vicky's birthday next year."

"That's nice," Lavender said. "Molly will be happy. So, where are you off to next?"

"I've found a travel log of Newt Scamander where he documents finding all sorts of magical creatures, so I'm loosely following that. I think it's off to Argentina next."

"What do you think you'll find there?" Hannah asked as she joined in too.

Luna shrugged. "Newt's log says he found a Niffler nest, but it doesn't specify where. Hannah, how far along are you?"

✖He's Not Mine [An Utterly Ridiculous Dramione Baby Story . . . Sort-of]Where stories live. Discover now