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Hermione groaned as she woke up. She hadn't been sleeping in a very comfortable position. Once she opened her eyes and took in her surroundings, it was clear why. She had her legs over the back of the couch and her head hanging off, staring at the dead fireplace.

"I am an idiot," she grumbled.

"If that's the case, then I'm a bloody blockhead."

Hermione turned her head to see Draco on the floor with his head still on the table. She smiled. "I can't say I disagree."

Draco sighed and sat up, stretching as he did so. He glanced at Hermione, who still hadn't moved. "Aren't you going to get up?"

Hermione shook her head. "Not if I don't have to."

"What if you fall off?"

"I managed to sleep like this. I won't fall off."

"Well, I'm not getting up either," Draco stated as he leaned back and dropped his head on the cushion of the couch behind him.

As soon as he did, Tobias began to cry.

"Ugh," Hermione mumbled.


Draco stood up, but as he passed by, her knocked Hermione's legs up and watched as she slid to the floor. "MALFOY!"

Draco grinned to himself as he kicked the nursery door closed behind him. Hermione glared at the door and stormed into her own room with a very loud, "YOU ABSOLUTE BAS--"

"Language," Draco casually called.

Furious, Hermione opened the nursery door. "You fucking bastard."


A week later, Hermione dressed Tobias in a bright green and red sweater she'd found when she visited Hogsmeade with Lavender and Pansy. They had invited Ginny, but she had declined with the very valid excuse of "Harry Potter needs me right now."

Draco rolled his eyes as he came to stand in the doorway. "You made him look like a Christmas tree."

Hermione smiled as she picked Tobias up. "Well, I think he looks adorable."

"I never said he didn't," Draco said, reaching out for the child on Hermione's hip. As soon as he did, Tobias leaned towards Draco and Hermione allowed him to leave her arms.

"I need to get going. The Weasleys will reach Hogwarts soon. Listen . . . none of us have told them about Tobias. Until we do . . . do you think you'd be able to keep him from seeing my face?"

Draco scoffed. "All I have to do is ask Pansy if she'd like to hold him. Don't worry, Granger. Your secret's safe with us, right, Tobias? We won't tell, will we?"

"I'm being serious, Malfoy."

"I know, Granger. If it makes you feel any less nervous, I haven't told my mother anything either. And I invited her to tonight."

Tobias smiled. Hermione gave him a quick kiss on his button nose and left after saying a quick goodbye to both Tobias and Draco.


Hermione stood between Ron and Ginny, Harry on Ginny's other side with his arm limply hanging around her waist. He seemed to never let go of her, somewhat afraid of losing her. Hermione smiled. They looked happy together.

"MUM!" Ginny suddenly cried before launching herself at an orange haired woman.

"Ginny! How are you?"

✖He's Not Mine [An Utterly Ridiculous Dramione Baby Story . . . Sort-of]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz