I rolled my eyes, "No Sam."

She shrugged, smirking in the process which gave her a sexy flirtatious look, "You're right, I'd whip your ass."

I laughed, dismissing her, "I'll see you in fourth, Sam."

~ ~ ~ ~

I continued putting grades into the computer during third hour, wishing this hour would end already. The students were busy working on the assignment that was due at the end of the hour and I was busy entering the few final grades of the month.

I was flipping through fourth hour's tests, entering the grades as I went until I stumbled onto Sam's. I peered down, seeing the bold red C- written in the upper right-hand corner, wishing she would've done better. She was improving, and she now held a very high D in my class, but I knew she was better than that.

She just didn't try.

I flipped to the last page of Sam's test, seeing a note written at the bottom as I read curiously.

"Dear Miss Adams, *wink,wink*, maybe you could give us an easy Bonus Question at the end on the next test so I know I'll get at least one question right? That would be pretty awesome. Sincerely, Your Favorite Student. AKA Sam."

I laughed to myself, wondering how I had missed this the first time I went over her test. I heard the bell ring then, dismissing the class as they dropped their assignments into the basket on my desk. I stood, walking to the door like I did every day to wait for my fourth hour, including Sam.

I don't know why, but the anticipation of seeing her got to me, knowing she would be rounding that corner any second. I didn't want to say I was looking forward to seeing her, because that shouldn't be true considering she's a pain in my ass. Although, something about her kind of brightened my day, I just had no idea why on earth I would feel that way.

I felt my foot tapping nervously on the floor as I leaned against the door waiting for the tardy bell to ring, which seemed to take forever.

Why was I so impatient today?

Then the bell rang and Sam hadn't rounded the corner, which meant she would be either late to class, or she was skipping. I rolled my eyes as I closed my door behind me, walking to my podium as I counted the seconds she was late.

Where was she? She knew better than to skip my class, if she was skipping at all.

I spoke, "Your assignments are on the board, it's due at the end of class. If you don't finish it's for homework."

I heard a few mumbles of disproval as I walked swiftly to my desk, attempting to resume what I had been doing but my mind was elsewhere. Where in the world was Sam? I felt myself growing annoyed as more minutes ticked by, and she was now nearly five minutes late for my class.

Then to my relief I heard her knocking on the door and I rushed over to it, feeling suddenly as if she needed a good chewing out for being late. She knew not to take advantage of me being her teacher, and if that's what she was doing I was going to have to set her straight. No pun intended.

I opened the door, seeing Sam holding a folded napkin with something inside as I slowly closed the door behind me. She looked absolutely innocent but I knew better, Sam was never innocent.

She held out the napkin to me, "Doughnut?"

I took the napkin, looking at her with a stern look, "You're not off the hook because you brought me something sweet. Where were you?"

Assisting Miss Adams (GirlXGirl) OLD VERSIONOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora