Missing It Already

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Sean had crawled up onto the bed and into the space beside Signe, smiling as he watched her sleep. Soon. Soon he would be back to himself and he could hold her in his arms and never let go.

"Look! Look!" The Silver Shepherd called until he drew Jackieboy Man's attention. "Shepherd, mad!" He growled, flexing his arms and tore all of the seems in his doll shirt, grinning as the cloth dropped to the floor.

Jackieboy shook his head, chuckling softly. "I guess this is our best chance to do that." He grunted, as he flexed, tearing through his own shirt. "Plus one biceps!" He called.

Within fifteen minutes, they were all a few feet high, and already noticing that their growth was slowing down. King giggled, drowning in the shirt that he'd pulled on to cover himself, after abandoning the doll clothes. "It's like we're little kids!"

"That'd be weird." Jackieboy chuckled, shaking his head.

The Silver Shepherd nodded. "Being fives inches tall was strange enough. I don't need to relive childhood."

"Parents died?" Jackieboy tilted his head.

"What? No! What's wrong with you?" Shepherd huffed.

"It's a hero thing!" Jackieboy grunted.

Shepherd tilted his head. "So are your parents..."

Jackieboy shrugged. "They're fine. Look, I don't want to talk about it." He muttered, pulling the massively oversized shirt closer around himself as he turned away.

In another room, Chase smirked, staring down at his feet. "It's really too bad that we keep our proportions as we grow..."

"Why?" Bim tilted his head. "Why is that a bad thing?"

Chase shrugged. "I could have relived being Deadpool, bro!"

Marvin grunted, holding his cardboard cat mask in his hand since it no longer fit. It was the third one that Signe had made him. "You want baby legs with a fully grow torso? That's sick."

Chase grinned. "Sick as in, aw... sick dude! Or sick as in-"

"Creepy." Marvin nodded.

"The egos all continued to grow, all relieved that the contraption had worked. None of them seemed to consider what happened if they did not stop growing." The Host babbled, and Bim's eyes widened as he realized the Host could be right.

Their growth did slow more and more the larger they got though. Around four and a half feet, they could barely notice the changes anymore, as their growth was at a crawl by this point.

Sean wrapped his arms around Signe, holding her close with a content sigh as he kissed her temple. Yawning slightly, Signe curled into him, inhaling deeply before she suddenly jerked back, eyes open wide. "Sean!" She gasped with a smile, falling into him again and dug her fingers into his back as she held him close. "You... you're back!"

"Not quite." Sean grinned. "But close enough." He kissed her softly and she looked up at him, her eyes watering. "Shh..." He hushed her, relieved to be able to brush the tears from her cheeks as they fell. "What's wrong?"

"I didn't think I'd have you back." Signe admitted quietly, burying her face in his shoulder. "Not... not like this."

Sean nodded, kissing the top of her head. "It's over now. All over."

Mark tried to stand up instantly collapsing with a hiss of pain. Hearing the sound of Mark hitting the floor, along with his pained sounds, Amy sat up, looking down at him. "Mark!" She squealed, sliding off the bed, onto the floor and threw her arms around his shoulders. "You're back to normal!"

Honey, I Shrunk the EgosDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora