chapter 5: Sweet presents are made of these

Start from the beginning

He opened the window screen and climbed up to the roof – easy task to do when one lived in the highest floor – scanning the horizon. He could see Marinette’s apartment in the distance, not too far away for Chat Noir to rush there in an instant. Which he did, running from a roof top to another until he landed quietly on Marinette’s balcony. A dim light was on in her room, but he couldn’t see her inside, when he glanced quickly inside from the window. Chat Noir made his way to the hatch’s door and opened it carefully.

Marinette was laying on her back on her bed below and when she heard the hatch opening she turned to look upwards and shrieked.

“Goddammit!” she uttered a curse and closed the book in her hold. Her eyes were flaring. “Don’t sneak up like that! Can’t you knock?”

“I’m sorry, my lady, I was so impatient to see you after a week that I forgot my manners,” he grinned, telling her the truth. Naturally Marinette didn’t believe anything he said, and Chat Noir could understand that completely.

He felt her eyes following him when he landed on the ground and jumped to sat with her on the bed despite of her protesting noises. He smirked from ear to ear, his heart bounding.

“Can you believe this, we both in the same bed?” Chat joked, enjoying how that cute pout appeared on Marinette’s face.

 “Oh Chat, stop playing around,” she sighed annoyed, but didn’t made any move to stop him from leaning closer to her face.

“Why stop when the night is still young and full of possibilities, with two free souls in the same room?” he flirted through his curved lips, staring at Marinette intensively. Her eyes looked prettier than Chat had remembered and there was something utterly charming in the way she got flustered by his closeness, combined with the fact that this was the Ladybug who could whip his ass if she truly wanted to. Literally and figuratively.

To Chat’s surprise Marinette didn’t reply asap, like she usually did, but eyed him with risen eyebrows, looking almost unsure in Chat’s eyes. He stopped, not wanting to actually distress her by gluing his face against hers – as much as he dreamed of that – but Chat didn’t remove his hand from the bed where it was touching her leg slightly.

“Chat…” her voice was thin with his name, and Chat was sure his cheeks flared up in that instant, head spinning with how tempting his name sounded in Marinette’s beautiful lips.

“Yes, my Princess?” Chat purred a reply from his chest, not being able to stop himself from getting hot underneath his suit.

A mischievous flash stroke through Marinette’s eyes and before Chat got to see what was happening, she leaned closer to him, making him withdraw a bit, surprised.

“It’s not very nice to just barge into someone’s room like this,” Marinette cooed and rang Chat’s bell with a small push of her index finger.

Chat’s words got stuck in his throat, and when he tried to speak a small gasp escaped between his lips.

“But my Lady,” he began composing his head, trying not to sound too excited. Marinette cut him off quickly.

“I’m not ‘your Lady’,” she pointed out with a grin, scratching him underneath his chin. Chat cursed himself for starting the flirt and letting it go so far that it was turning against him. He had forgotten Marinette was perhaps timid around Adrien but oh so sassy around Chat.

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