Chapter Thirty Two

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I sighed, flopping down on the neat bed under me as I came to the realization that the room I was in was as bland and tasteless as a bowl of unseasoned rice.

"You should really think of redecorating," Ellie spoke up from the doorway, baby Ann in her arms as she bounced gently to calm the light crying coming out of the young girl's mouth. 

I cringed at the mouth slightly, the cries getting louder before it could get quiet. 

"I can't, what if company come and you need this spare room?" 

"Spare?" Ellie raised an eyebrow, her eyes focusing between Ann and I but more lingering on the baby in her face with a soft smile imprinted on her face. "This is your official room, Ron." I lifted myself up from my laying position, staring straight at my older sister in front of me.

"What? Since when?" Ellie rolled her eyes, now giving her full attention to the angel she continued to bounce in her arms. 

"Since as soon as you got here. If you think you're just a guest then I'm sorry to deeply disappoint you. What's mine is yours, Veronica." She glanced back at me for a moment, giving me a toothy grin. "So get to decorating."

"Ellie, I can't just interrupt your life like that." I tried to object but Ellie seemed to be having non of it by the way she was shaking her head at me. 

"Your sister Ron, you'll always be interrupting my life." She joked, sending a wink my way. As a response, I flipped her off which she then glared at me for as she shielded her baby's eyes like little ole Ann was going to remember when her aunt sent her mother the middle finger when she was only days old.

"Thanks, Ellie." I gave her a smile before looking around the room. 

It warmed my heart that my sister was so willingly allowing me to officially live with her. I assumed that I would be staying for a few weeks until a found a steady home. 

"I told you this before and I'll continue to tell you it, we're the only blood we have and we've got to stick together. I lost you for two years, I'm not going to lose you for any more." I looked up to see Ellie looking at me seriously, a small frown fading from her face as she recalled the years where I was off living with Aaron. 

"Well, we aren't the only blood anymore." I gestured towards the baby in her arms, causing her to look down with such love and adoration for her little girl. 

"Yeah, I guess not." Her voice was soft, as she touched Ann's cheek her finger. I was a lovely sight, watching my sister grow to become a mother in front of my own eyes. It was beautifully magical. 

Ellie glanced up from her daughter and scanned the room we were in. "Better get decorating." She spoke before exiting the room for her child in her arms and closing the door behind her. 

I sighed again, looking around the room. 

The room itself was nice and spacious, the walls were cream while the cupboards and drawers were dark brown/black with a wide mirror above the main drawers of the room. 

It was nice but bland. 

All of my stuff was at my old home-- my home with Aaron-- and there was no way anyone was going to allow me to go there again. Not after everything that had happened there. 

I definitely didn't want to go back there, it would cause too many memories that I didn't want to think about. I didn't want to think about all the times I had with Aaron, good and bad, but there were things in that house that I needed back.

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