Chapter Twenty Seven

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I rolled on my back slowly, blinking slowly as I began to lose consciousness. The vision was being to blur as I heard the commotion in the living room between the two Cardell brothers. 

Why was Gage here?

I heard both of the brothers bickering, the voices getting louder and louder. 

"Don't walk away from me, you fucking dickhead!" I could hear Aaron roaring from the living room while Gage ignored him and continued to walk to god-knows-where. I could barely compute what was happening around me.

"Gage!" Aaron continued to yell, his voice getting fainter and fainter with each word that spewed from his mouth.

Pain continues to ripple around my body as the seconds pass, my body, as well as my mind, getting weaker and weaker-- I couldn't keep my eyes open for more than a second while my hearing sounded as if it was being blocked, everything I heard was only echoing through my mind. 

I groaned on the ground, my hands dropping to the ground as I faintly heard the door open to the kitchen.

Unconsciously, I teared up again. My fresh tears mixing with the old as I slowly lost consciousness on the floor.

Aaron was going to finish me off, and there was no way to stop it. 

Maybe it was time but personally; I wasn't really to die. 




I felt damp. 

I moved my hand slowly to my forehead, only to feel another already resting on my forehead. 

My eyes shot up however I was quick to regret that action as a blinding light hit my sights, causing me to flinch away. 

"Veronica, are you okay?" Someone asked frantically. Slowly I squinted my eyes open see to a broad figure sitting to the side of me, they had removed their hand from my forehead and there was something in their hand. 

"W-What's happening?" My voice was cracked and when I moved to get up, pain shot through my body causing me to gasp in shock. The person next to me was quick to regret it as they went to help me back on the bed. 

"Be careful V, you have to rest." V? 

"Gage?" I opened my eyes wider in order to the person clearer. Once my vision cleared up, the person in front of me with a wet rag in their hands was in indeed Gage. "Gage, what--?" I was confused about what was happening. Why was Gage with me? 

Gage avoided my eyes as he helped me back down on the bed before dropping the rag in his hand on the table and settling in his seat, his eyes directed to the ground as he fiddled with his fingers. 

"Gage?" He still didn't respond, I could feel he was feeling a certain way but what that feeling was I had no idea. "Gage, please." I stretched my hand out and reached out for Gage's. Once our hands touched, his head shot up and he flinched away. He stared into my eyes for a while. 

During those seconds looking into his eyes, I finally realised what emotion he was trying to hide. 


Gage took a sharp breath, shaky even, before sighing heavily as he shook his head. 

"I should have known." His voice shook as he let his head fall in his hands. My brows furrowed as my heart broke for him. Why was he so sad?

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