Chapter One

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"Why are the fuck are you lying?"He seethed. He was angry, at me. I've never seen him so angry with me.

"I-I'm not-" His face was going red, if he gritted his teeth any harder I wouldn't be surprised if they turned into dust. 

"Yes, you are! You know you're lying, and you still are!" He roared as I flinched at how louder his voice got despite the fact I thought his voice couldn't get louder. 

"Aaron, please." I sobbed, he was so angry over something so little. 

I caught him going through my bag and when I checked what he was looking for I found that my purse was missing. I asked him about it and he went crazy, yelling how he didn't go through my bag, that he didn't take my purse. 

But I caught him?

"Do you want to ruin this relationship, huh?" He seethed in my face, our noses almost touching as his face neared closer to mine. "You would be nothing without me and you know it. No one wants you, no one but me. You lose me, you have nothing!"

He was basically foaming at the mouth at how furious he was. 

My heart felt like it was getting stabbed with every word he was leaving his mouth. He wasn't wrong and that was what hurt the most. 

No one does want me, my parents left me, my sister doesn't attempt to contact me anymore, I have no friends after they all decided to disappear on me. The only person that has ever wanted me and has stuck by me; was Aaron, and if I was to lose him, I don't know what I would do.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean anything by--"

"You didn't mean it? You didn't mean to accuse me of petty theft?" He was roaring again, everything I said seemed to get him angrier and angrier. "I will walk out of that door, Veronica! I will fucking leave, do you hear me?" I sobbed loudly as he moved away from me and towards the door of our house. 

He was walking backwards slowly so it wasn't hard for me to catch him, I threw myself towards him.

"No, no, no!" I sobbed, gripping his arm and pulling it away as he attempted to grab his jacket. "Please, no! Don't leave me!" I cried out as he pushed me off of him and the harsh fall to my knees didn't affect me one bit. The harsh blow of being alone was hitting me all at once. 

"Please Aaron, don't leave me I'm so sorry! I will never do anything like that again, please Aaron." My cries got louder as I wrapped my arms around his legs, my head resting on his knees. "Please don't go," I spoke into his knees, my face wet from tears.

I felt his hand caress my head, his fingers combing through my slick hair. He moved me off of his knees, dropping down to meet my eyes. He grabbed both sides of my face with his hands, resting the palms to lay on my chin with his fingers dancing up my cheeks. 

"I'm still here baby, I'm not going anywhere." He whispered into my hair after placing a long kiss on my forehead, he let me sob into his shoulders as I threw my arms around his torso, squeezing as I feared if I let go then he would disappear.

Aaron was the best thing to happen to me. When we met, I knew it was going to be love from the get-go as it was only at first glance when I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him. He protected me from everything and cared for me the best he could. 

This very house that we were currently standing in, he found it and he knew I would love it-- it is all because of him. He is everything I am and want, losing him would be the death of me I wouldn't know how to cope. 

"Roni baby," Aaron spoke after a long moment of silence, I lifted my head from his shoulder and meeting his eyes that were filled with the up-most love, "I love you." 

All the anger that was once dancing fires in his eyes was now gone.

"I love you too," I whispered, my voice cracked and dry from the sobs that erupted out of me earlier. Aaron moved his head enough so he could place a soft kiss upon my lips, his lips moisturizing mine. I melted into the kiss, letting him take full control. 

He pulled away too soon, leaving me wanting more. His boyish grin came back, the smile that made me fall in love with this man in the first place and continues to make me fall in love every time. "Get your bag, baby." He stood up while pulling me up with him, my hands resting in his as we stand. "I'm taking you out to dinner."

 A smile of my mine found its way to my face.

Almost instantly, I went to get my bag from our room. Finding my bag, I have a quick search within my desk for what I might need.

 Lip balm check, mascara check, perfume check. 

Throwing the items in my bag, something catches my eye. 

Pulling it out of my bag, I examine my purse that I found stashed in my bag-- where I keep it. 

But it wasn't there when I last checked, my brows furrowed as I recount checking my bag last time. Maybe I missed it. Has it been in my bag this entire time, and I caused that huge fuss between Aaron and I? 

I was lying, I accused him of something he didn't do and he was right. 

Am I going crazy?

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