Chapter Nineteen

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I was gobsmacked, I didn't how to react.

How would react when you came face-to-face with the woman that was trying to potentially ruin your relationship-- especially when that woman happens to be your sister. 

"What are you doing here?" I scoffed at her question, the surprise of seeing her soon washed away and now was replaced with annoyance. Quickly, she ruined my nice shopping day out by showing up, reminding me how deceiving and back-stabbing blood really could be. 

She tried stealing Aaron away from me, and then lied to my face. I was only lucky that Aaron was honest enough to tell me her real motives before we moved away. 

After we moved, I never heard from Ellie again which only cements what Aaron was trying to say. 

"I live here, not that it's any of your business." Ellie's brows raised at my tone. 

Ellie and I always had a great relationship, too bad it was ruined by a boy. 

It was hurtful to know that Ellie was willing to throw away our relationship just to get with Aaron-- she always had men around her and if I was being honest, I was jealous, and sometimes I wanted what she wanted but I never acted on it how she acted on Aaron. 

I would ever stoop so low as she did. And I would never forgive her for it either. 

"Ron, I do--" Her sweet and innocent voice was almost sickening when I thought of the way she acted towards Aaron and I, she spewed lies into my ears about Aaron while she spewed endearments into his. 

"Oh cut the bullshit Ellie, don't Ron me like you care." I rolled my eyes as continued to move around the supermarket, knowing full well that Ellie was following me. 

She was quick to grab the sleeve of my top, pulling me back. 

"Hey!" I called out, but she ignored me. I looked up to see my big sisters' narrowed eyes. 

"I don't know why you're acting like such a brat when you were the one that disappeared. Not me, you." She spoke coldly, the happy-go Ellie that I grew up with disappeared in seconds. Quickly, I registered her words and rolled my eyes again. 

"Yeah right. Again, cut the bullshit. Aaron told me everything." I looked at her smugly, pulling my sleeve out of her grasp and playing my hands of the hips as I tilted my head to the side.

"And what exactly did he tell you?" I scoffed at her again.

"I don't know, how about you tell me." Ellie's brows furrowed, a confused look plastered all over her face.

"Veronica, I have no idea what you're even on again." 

I was stupid. At the big age of twenty-five, she was still trying to play to dumb-child. 

I sighed. "I know all about your plan to sleep with Aaron. You lost babe. You got snitched up, deal with it." I watched as Ellie's eyes bulged out of her head. I couldn't help but let a smirk spread across my face. 

She looked funny when she's been caught. 

"What are you on about?" I rolled my eyes again, quickly getting annoyed. 

"For fuck sake, stop playing dumb Ellie. Deal with the fact that you got caught." She scoffed at me, her hands resting on her own hip. It was slightly funny, us doing the same pose as we argued. 

"I was never trying to get with Aaron, you fool. I don't even know who put that disgusting thought in your mind." She tried to reason. "Plus why would I even go for that rat when I was happily in a relationship with Carter at the time?" I let out a laugh. 

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