Chapter 9

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This chapter has me shook and I knew what I was going to write. Sorry it took me so long to update again.


Next day....

"So you guys are all good now."

"Yep" Tiffany and I say standing in Ian's office.

"That fast?"

"There's still some things to sort out but overall we're good." Tiffany says

"What changed?"

"Well Noah will probably tell you so just wait and see." I say while laughing a little.

"Okay, Tiffany , and Noah have show with no name so...have fun."

"Oh god Ian I thought you weren't going to make us do that."

"Yeah I wasn't but it's fun to watch you three squirm."

"You're a piece of work Ian." I say walking out of the office after Tiffany.

"You love me though" he shouts

"You know it" I shout

Tiffany makes it to her desk before turning to me.

"You know I love how all of you are like family. I'm glad I get to work here."

"I'm glad you work here too. You're not as bad as I thought."

"Well I was I did it purposely because I was nervous that you would take Noah but it became clear that you didn't want him back."

"I'm over Noah. Besides when I came back I had a boyfriend."


"Things didn't work out."

"I'm sorry to hear that. He's dumb."

"No need to feel sorry. He wasn't right for me. We have nothing in common."

"Wasn't he suppose to work here."

"Yes but I handled the situation."

"Wow, so wh-"


"Okay but I have a meeting with Marvel and then I have to film show with no name." I shout back

"That's okay it won't take long"


"Hey guys welcome to the show with no name." I say

"The show that's about you." Tiffany says.

Wow she's a better actress than I thought considering she's sitting next to Noah.

"Let's not drag this out and let's look at some art!!!" Noah says smiling

Apparently so is he.

The show goes on and it gets more awkward but Olivia and Kieth keep giving me thumbs up from behind the camera so I guess we're doing fine.

"Now it's time for Ask Smosh. Where you ask us questions and we give you answers that are usually funny." Tiffany says

"You're not supposed to read what's in parentheses Tiff." I laugh.

"When did you guys get so friendly." Noah looks at us with so much annoyance.

"Noah we're still filming not now."

"No no it's okay everyone should about the hatred you had for Tiffany but now you guys are friends."

"We became friends when I had to cover her face in concealer and color collectors to hide the bruise you gave her."

"You know it wasn't intentional."

"Guys don't do this now." Tiffany says

"No maybe we should do this now." I take my phone out and begin to record under my leg.

"So Noah you admit you hit Tiff."

"I was drunk and it was an accident. I would never mean to hurt her. Not anyone."

"Just because you wouldn't doesn't erase the fact that you did. So top making excuses for yourself as if it's the first time you've done something like this and I won't let you do it to anyone else."

"What do you mean the first time?"

"Anna don't." Kieth says coming closer.

"Of course you don't remember but I remember it as if it was yesterday. When we were dating and we had that fight about me spending money on makeup and my nails. You left and got drunk and came back and almost hit me. You would have hit me if Kieth hadn't been there. You're probably wondering why you didn't know about this. It's because I cared about your future. OUR future and I didn't want to ruin it because of how hard we were trying to save it and I knew that if I had told you, you would have beat yourself and break up with me. If I had told you I wouldn't have been able to live with myself if you had went crazy over something you had done while you were intoxicated. So yes it's not the first time and this time I'm making sure you won't do it again. Not to anyone so I'm finally telling you so that maybe some sense will be knocked into you. Cause I don't want any of my friends to get hurt from you and I know you don't want to hurt them either. Yo-"

"You really are such a bitch. I would've gotten help. I would've swore not drunk again but you're such a self absorbed sociopath that you chose your future over everyone's well being. If you had told me it would have never happened to Tiffany if you had told me." Noah screams at me standing up and gripping onto his hair.

"What? You wouldn't have even met Tiffany if I had told you."

"And how would the almighty Anna know that. I was friends with her before we started dating it could've happened considering I liked her  months before we broke up."

You could hear a pen drop in the room with how silent it was. Noah you have crossed a line. A line that I would never cross. A line that brings me to tears. The line that proves he stopped trying.

So what should I do? Stand here and continue to cry in front of everyone? Or should I run?


1 month later...

"AND CUT... Anna that was perfect. I knew you were perfect for this part."

"Thank you"

"Go ahead and go home. You deserve the rest of the day off, just make sure you make it to training tomorrow at 7."

"Sure can do sir."

He nods and I leave set heading to my trailer to grab my things. Walking in I hear my phone ringing from the couch where I had left it.


I really should explain to everyone why I can't return to Smosh. I wish I could tell them all but for now I need to time. Lots of it. After that dreadful filming of Show w/ No Name I did what I thought I should do. 

I ran.

I had recently signed my contract for the movie and knew I'd be filming in Atlanta. So I moved, right then and there. I had already been looking at places down there so all I had to do was make a call. I still have my place in LA but when we film in LA I'll move out of that apartment just for a fresh start.

I feel bad for leaving with no note, call, text, tweet, nothing. I wonder how they're all doing. If Kieth still has a show. if Courtney got that guy to ask her out.

If Noah is alright. I honestly don't even care if he is. We definitely aren't friends. At this point we aren't even acquaintances. 

I'm still not sure how we got here but my curiosity is beginning to be a bit too much. If  want to be able to talk to them again without seeing them and thinking about the past I have to somewhere. So why not here..

"Hi Ian...."

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