Chapter 7

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Im somewhat back i'm still busy but i'm gonna try my best to update. I miss writing and even though i'm still having writers block I'm gonna try my best to update. Shoutout will be at the end of the chapter.


"Where's Tiffany" Noah storms over to my desk slamming his hands on the desk.

"Not here" I say not even sparing him a glance.

"Anna, this isn't funny where is she?"

"Noah I'm not joking I don't know where she is. She got kicked out a couple hours ago. I'm surprised you didn't hear." I say smirking to myself.

"Anna...I swear to go I'll-"

"You'll what?" I stop typing and look up at him.

"Why did she get kicked out." Noah seems to have calmed down.

"She tried to slap me. So Ian kicked her out until she apologizes to me." I smile before I continuing. "Are you shocked your perfect little girlfriend isn't so perfect. I warned you Noah."

"Anna not everything is about you."

"It was about me the second she caused a scene in my apartment. In my home and turned you against me. This will be about me until she's gone. So, I'm gonna live my life and prepare for the marvel movie I'm going to be in and you and Tiffany can rot in whatever consequences you hae coming. Today is only the beginning Noah. Like I told Tiffany, karmas a bitch."

"I understand that you're hurt or whatever Anna but that doesn't give you the right to act so cruel."

"You gave me the right the minute you chose her over your friends. If I were you I'd go find your girlfriend and maybe talk some sense into her before she walks into the office."

"You're a real bi-

"Noah just stop this. Isn't that the word that started all of this. I don't think you want to go through that again. Now go find your lovely girlfriend she probably needs you."

And with that Noah finally leaves me alone. About time. Maybe I shouldn't have brought up that he went through a lot after our break up but it got him to walk away.

"Aren't you being a little harsh Anna." Shayne says

"Shayne we've been through this before. She wanted to play a game so I'm gonna make sure I win."

"You aren't on Smosh Games you aren't allowed to play games."

"Don't you have a show on Smosh Games?"

"Shut up" He says before turning around in his swivel chair.

"Love you Shayne." I laugh before turning around.


The long day is over and it's time to go home now I think Damien, Brendan, Wes, and Shayne might come over to teach me how to play Fortnite cause apparently if I ever guest on Smosh Games they'll have me play that. So to the grocery store to get snacks.


Chips. Check. Dip. Check. Drinks. Not check.

Too bad I can't find anything in this place. Ugh...I should probably ask someone for directions.

Ooh there's a girl down there.
"Excuse me do you know where the-...oh shit"


"Tiffany, sorry I thought you were a worker"

"It's no problem"

Something is wrong. I know that look anywhere. Plus she's keeping her face from fully looking at me.

"What happened?"

"What do you mean?"

"Tiffany I know we aren't friends but I can sense the vibe coming from you. What did Noah do?"

"What did you say to him after he found out I was gone?"

"I told him he needed to go look for you. Then he almost called me a bitch but I stopped him because him calling me that start all of our problems"


"When Noah moves in with me we fought over something stupid and he ended up calling me a bitch. Then we broke up"

"That's not what he told me." Tiffany says still not looking at me.


"He said you changed the locks and left all his stuff outside."

"What no that never happened. He lied to you Tiff I never did that."

"Before we started 'hating' each other I had a though in the back of my head that what he said wasn't true but I tried my best to bring the worse out of you. I'm so sorry Anna." Tiffany says looking down still.

"Why won't you make eye contact."

No response


She turns to me and take her hat off revealing a large bruise on the side of her face from her cheek bone up to her eyebrow.

"Tiffany who did this."

She immediately starts tearing up.

"He came to my house drunk Anna I swear he did."

"Tiffany....who did this."

"You can't tell anyone please."

"Tiffany, tell me who it was"

" was Noah."

I finally updated.

I hope you liked this chapter and I know it's short but hopefully they'll get longer.

Anyway this is what I was talking about how Tiffany may not be the bad guy in the story. This book will hopefully be a little darker than you probably expecting.

Also I'm so in love with the new cover.

Anyway the shoutout for this chapter is @kcundercover1234

Thanks for spamming me it gave me a little motivation to update so thank you!

Don't be a ghost reader 😉

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