CHAPTER 9: Only for the dragons

Comenzar desde el principio

And at that moment, Toothless gained his senses, and he looked up to see Hiccup crouched down in front of him.
His eyes dilated, and he crooned, nuzzling the boy's face causing a small smile of relief to wash over his face.
"Don't do that, Toothless!" Hiccup whispered, harshly before standing up, and facing the chief.
"What...what was that?" He asked in a small voice.
Stoick sighed, "Well...I know you don't remember this but you said, five years ago, that the dragons were being controlled by... something on their island,"
Hiccup nodded at him to keep going.
"But that was all you told me before, uhm... leaving."
The boy growled in frustration, as he started pacing.
A crowd was slowly forming, some looking curious, and others were eyeing the dragon, taking out their weapons.

"So they are being controlled..? All of them? Are...are there any wild dragons roaming your forests?" Hiccup asked with a firm tone.
Stoick was surprised, and opened his mouth before hesitating.
He knew there would be consequences for this.
He gave his son a nervous smile...


Gobber pulled down the leaver to open the cages of the dragons, and immediately Hiccup remembered this place...
A small flashback has run through his mind of being in this very arena...looking for something.

The large metal door opened with a creak, where they met low growls heard from deep within the dark room.
The boy gave Stoick a look, which made the chief nervous.
Hiccup then, followed by Toothless, marched into the large dark space into the room where dragons were supposably kept.
But why..?

"Light it up, Bud." He mummered.
The night fury inhaled, and shot a plasma blast at the back of the room, where a purple light lit up the dark space. It took the boy a second, before his eyes widened in shock.
Dragons were being kept in dark small cells, looking dirty, in heavy chains, beaten, starving, and they were all giving them murderous looks.
Especially the monsterous nightmare.

Toothless looked around at the four dragons, and he growled in confusion.
Weren't these the four dragons that they had set free five years ago..?
He looked closely at the dragons, and he realized it was true.
They were all here!
The Gronkle.
The Deadly nadder, the Zippleback, and the monsterous nightmare.
Hiccup looked around at all of them in confusion, before his blood boiled in pure rage.
Toothless nudged his side, and cooed.
This wasn't good.
The boy slowly turned to face his father, and the blacksmith. And for some reason, the teens were there too.
But it didn't matter.
Hiccup gave them all murderous glares, and started towards them, and without thinking took out his sword from the belt of his armor. He clicked a button, and it immediately retracted and fire covered the blade, though it didn't burn the sword.

Stoick's eyes widened in surprise, stepping back as he held out his arms. One to cover the teens and Gobber, and the other was held out towards his son.
"Hiccup, look. Now I know this looks bad but-"
But Hiccup turned deaf ears towards his calm voice, and launched at them, pure rage taking over only to be pinned down on the ground, a large black green eyes winged creature holding him in place. His inferno was ripped out of his hands by the dragons mouth, and tossed across the floor.
The boy struggeld, but he couldn't move, as Toothless held him down with determination.
This was the first time in four years that he's let out his anger.
And though it was good, it was also very dangerous when it came to his rider.

"Toothless!? Get-off-me!" Hiccup yelled, kicking wildly to get up.
But the night fury stood his ground, and warbled in a serious tone.
The boy's chest heaved, as he stared up at his dragon, who only looked deeply concerned instead of angry.
He gazed at him for a moment, dead silence filling the arena.
Even the dragons were quiet!
Hiccup sighed as he calmed his breathing, and looked around at the shocked looking vikings.
He glanced back up at Toothless, who gave him a bored look as if to say, are you done? Hiccup let out another sigh, as he nodded his head slightly, and the dragon hesitated before stepping off of his friend and helped him onto his feet.

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