chapter 2: johnnys pov

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I got up to my sister shaking me to death.
"Get up, you idiot, your driving me and I don't want to be late!" Lauren shouted, grabbing a pillow and slamming it into my face.
"Okay, Okay, I'm up. Now get out, I need to get dressed you know!" I snapped back stumbling out of my bed and pushing her out of my room. Sure I love her, she's my sister, but she sure as heck was annoying.
I threw on some black ripped jeans, black shirt, black leather jacket and some black Dr Martin's. What? I like black Okay.
I rushed down the stairs and ruffled Laurens hair, which caused her to roll her eyes, and grabbed a slice of toast.
"You coming or what?" I asked, swinging my car keys in my hand as I walked to the door.
"Johnny! Stop rushing me. Bye mom, dad. Hey, Johnny wait!" She called after me.
In a matter of seconds I heard her footsteps pounding along the hall towards me.
"Funny how you say that when your the one who rushed me this morning," l laughed shaking, my head as I climbed into the car.
"Oh whatever," was her reply.
I just laughed as I drove down our drive and through the busy streets of L.A.
We pulled up at the school and everyone was already looking at us. I mean it was cool, it's what happens when your popular.
I strode through the door, casually winking at a group of girls who instantly freaked out. Aaaah, the joys of being popular.
"Hey what up, bro?" Hayden said, shifting from his slumped position to look at me.
"I'm all good, you?" I asked standing beside him, looking at some other girls rather than him.
"I'm cool, me and Annie are together," Hayden replied, casually. (Authors note: yes, I do know that Hannie may not be real but let's go with it)
"Wow, so you finally asked her," I said, turning my attention to him.
"Yep, my playing days are over," he laughed.
"Hey, did you two know about a new girl starting today?" Carson asked, joining up with me and Hayden.
"New girl, huh?" I smirked.
"You got it bro, wonder if she's hot or not," Carson said, thumping his locker open.
"Who knows," I replied, the smirk still on my face.
A unfamiliar girl walked into the school gates at that exact moment. Looks like we will be seeing who the new girl is very soon.

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